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发布时间:2014年04月17日 点击次数:

第三届公关与广告国际论坛(2009.澳门) 。






为深入推动大中华地区的公关与广告研究,香港城市大学媒体与传播系与18luck新利电竞 新闻与信息传播学院、媒介技术与传播发展研究中心共同创建“公关与广告国际论坛”,搭建国际学者与专业人士的交流平台,促进公关与广告理论研究与实务的共同发展,实现公关与广告理论研究国际化,加强学界、业界在公关和广告理论、实践和教育等方面的合作。论坛每年举办一次,论坛追求鼓励多种学术观点的碰撞,力求将论坛打造成为跨学科、跨地区和国家级的公共学术空间。


为此,继首届公关与广告国际论坛之“新媒体与公共关系创新”(2007.武汉)、第二届公关与广告国际论坛之危机管理与整合策略传播(之后,论坛将继续举办第第三届公关与广告国际论坛(2009.澳门), 论坛将于2009年10月23-25日在澳门举行。


主题:公关 . 媒体 . 社会责任





分议题二: 媒体与社会责任

分议题三: 广告与社会责任

分议题四: 新闻传播与社会责任

分议题五: 博彩公关与社会责任






  1. 报到时间:10月23日(周五)上午8:00-13:00
  2. 会议时间:10月23日(周五)下午-10月24日(周六)全天
  3. 参观游览:10月25日上午(澳门著名旅游景点“大三八”、“妈祖庙”等)
  4. 返回时间:10月25日下午14:00之后。



1.        提交的论文必须是之前没有以任何形式公开发表过的,论文正文宜控制在1万字左右。

2.        论文全文和panel或workshop计划提交的截止时间为2009年8月30日前,过期不候。

3.        论文投稿请务必以word形式发送到指定邮箱



4.        为方便日后结集出版和方便匿名评审,论文提交的具体格式请参考所附的论文格式说明。


1.        组委会将邀请有关专家组成学术委员会对论文、panel或workshop计划进行匿名评审。

2.        组委会将通过电子邮件通知所有提交论文的作者是否入选。

3.        评审通过者将于2009年9月30日以前收到组委会通过电子邮件发出的正式会议邀请函。

4.        请受邀者务必在赴澳之前办理好澳门过境相关手续。

5.        受邀者因故不能参加会议,请及时与组委会联系。




2、海外学者会务费US$100 (不包括住宿),US$150(包括住宿),往返交通费自理。




香港特别行政区及海外联络人:何舟  Kitty Leung

电话:(852)2788 8860  3442 8860

传真:(852)2788  3442 0228



大陆地区联络人:陈先红   杜生鸣


电话:(027) 87557253   87559084

传真:(027) 87557253

地址:湖北武汉珞瑜路1037号 18luck新利电竞 新闻与信息传播学院





Department of Media and Communication of City University of Hong Kong

18luck新利电竞 新闻与信息传播学院

School of Journalism and Communication,

Huazhong University of Science & Technology







1.         来稿应包括封面、摘要、正文、参考文献等。为便于匿名审阅,正文请勿出现可能透露作者身份的文字。

2.         封面:注明论文题目和所有作者的姓名、任职机构、职称、联络地址、电话和电子邮箱。并注明该论文提交给2008公关与广告国际论坛匿名评审。

3.         摘要和关键词(第, 2, , 页):中英, 文论文摘要以300字为限,应包括研究问题、目的、方法和发现等。关键词不超过5个。中文使用宋体5号,英文使用Times New Roman 12。

4.         正文:标题居中,黑体;其余中文使用宋体5号,英文使用Times New Roman 12;子题靠左对齐。

5.         注释和参考文献:参考文献采用尾注,应包括作者姓名、出版时间、标题、卷/期数、页数、出版地、出版社等。中英文书目并存时,先排中文,后排英文;中文作者(或编者)以姓氏笔划排序;英文作者(或编者)以字母次序排列。同一作者的著作,按出版年份排列,新作在前,旧作在后。若出自同一年份,在年份后标示abc。参考文献以外的必要注释统一使用脚注。



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The 3rd International Public Relations and


Advertising Forum (Macao, 2009)


Public Relations, Media, and Social Responsibility


Call for Papers



To promote public relations and advertising research in Greater China area, Department of Media & Communication in City University of Hong Kong, and School of Journalism & Communications, as well as Research Center for Media Technology and Communication Studies  (媒介技术与传播发展研究中心) in Huazhong University of Science and Technology, jointly established the “International Public Relations and Advertising Forum.” The forum intends to build an exchange platform for international scholars and professionals in promoting and internationalizing research studies on PR and advertising theories and practices via the strengthened collaborations between the academicians and professionals. As an annual event, the forum welcomes the different approaches and view points, and seeks to develop itself into a multi-disciplinary, cross-regional academic hub.

Following the first International Forum with a theme on New Media & PR Innovation held in Wuhan, China, 2007, and the second International Forum on Crisis Management and Integrated Strategic Communication, Hong Kong, 2008, the third International Forum will be held from October 23rd -25th, 2009 in Macau.


Topic: Public Relations, Media and Social Responsibility

The Forum is soliciting papers on the following topics: (please refer to the following sub-topics for reference):
1. Media and Social Responsibility

2. Public Relations and Social Responsibility

3. Advertising and Social Responsibility

4. Communication and Social Responsibility

5. Public Relations and Social Responsibility in lottery industry


Topic for Round Table Discussion:

PR Practitioners and Journalists: Enemies or Friends?


The Organizing Committee cordially invites PR and advertising scholars and professionals as well as researchers from humanities and social sciences fields (e.g. communication, public administration) to submit papers. Oversea scholars are also invited to form paper panels or workshops.


  1. Registration: 8:00am – 1:00pm, October 23rd (Friday)
  2. Conference: October 23rd (Friday)-October 24th (Saturday)
  3. Excursion Visit: Morning, October 25th (Ruins of St.Paul, Mazu, etc. )
  4. Departure: After 2:00pm, October 25th


Requirement for Paper Submission

1. Paper submitted should not have been published in any form; and total words should not exceed 10,000.

2. Deadline for submitting the full paper and plan for panel or workshop: August 30, 2009. Later submission will not be processed.

3. Please send the paper in word format to the following e-mail addresses:
For Mainland Scholars:
For Oversea Scholars: kitty.leung @

4. For consideration of publication and anonymous review, we urge you to refer to the attached Paper Guidelines for details.


Review and Invitation

1. The Organizing Committee will invite experts to form an academic judging panel to anonymously review submitted papers, as well as proposals for conference panels or workshops.

2. The Organizing Committee will notify the paper submitters of acceptance decisions via emails.

3. A conference invitation via email, will be sent to those whose papers are accepted before September 30.

4. Those who attend the conference must have valid travel documents to enter Macau.

5. Those who cannot attend the conference, please contact the Organizing Committee.



1. For Mainland scholars, the conference fee is RMB800 (including registration fee, accommodation, and conference materials). Travel expenses should be paid by your own.
2. For overseas scholars, the conference fee is US$ 100 (excluding accommodation), or US$ 150 (including accommodation). Trav, el , ex, penses , should be paid by your own.

3. Conference papers will be selected and publi, she, d after the conference.



Hong Kong & Overseas: Zhou He/ Kitty Leung

Tel: (852)2788 8860  3442 8860

Fax: (852)2788  3442 0228


Address: Department of Media and Communication, City University of Hong

Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR

Mainland China: Chen Xianhong / Du Shengming

Tel:(027) 87557253   87559084

Fax:(027) 87557253

Address:School of Journalism Communications, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 1037# Wuhan Luoyu Road, Wanhan, Hubei


We sincerely look forward to you participation and support!

Best regards,




Department of Media and Communication of City University of Hong Kong

18luck新利电竞 新闻与信息传播学院

School of Journalism and Communication,

Huazhong University of Science & Technology

March, 2009

Appendix 1: Paper Guidelines

Papers submitted should include a cover page, abstract, main body, and references.

1. The cover page should list out your paper title, your first name, family name, affiliation, current position, address, telephone no. and e-mail address. Please also indicate that the paper is for anonymous review of 2009 International Forum on Public Relations and Advertising.

2. Abstract and key words (p. 2): Chinese and English abstracts should contain no more than 300 words, which includes the main research question(s), objectives, methodology and findings. Please use “Song 5” for Chinese key words and Times New Roman 12 for English key words.

3. Main body of the paper: place the title in the middle and boldfaced, using “Song 5” for Chinese words and Times New Roman 12 for English words; sub-title aligned left.

4. Notes and references: references shall be attached to the paper with full citations, which include author’s name, publication time, title, volume, pages, publication location and publishing company. Put English references first in alphabetical order; arrange different papers written by the same author using the reversed chronological order. Put “abc” after the year if the papers are published in the same year. Use footnotes for the other explanations.



Name Gender Affiliation Position Mail Code Tel No. E-mail
Paper Title  


Please RSVP to the following email address:

For Mainland Scholars:

For Oversea Scholars: kitty.leung @