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发布时间:2017年11月30日 点击次数:


The Strategic Communication Master’s Program is built to empower communications professionals to unleash their individual potential and seize opportunities better and faster. The world of communications is not slowing down and neither should your career. Continue your path to becoming a leader in strategic and digital communications with the newest online master’s program offered by Michigan State University.

本项目网络班(Online Class),自开办以来面向美国在职人员,在读硕士生包括白宫、军方、企业和非赢利组织的专业人士。从2018年秋,网络班开始面向全球招生,欢迎中国相关行业的在职人员申请。同时,开设面授班(On-campus Class),也面向全球招生。被录取学生可以选择网络班或者面授班,面授班学生需要在密歇根州立大学主校园修课。


Since its debut, the online class of the program aims at working professionals in the U.S., and current students include those working in the White House, U.S. military, enterprises and non-profit organizations. Beginning the fall of 2018, the online class opens to applicants worldwide, particularly welcoming working professionals in relevant fields from China to apply. At the same time, the on-campus class opens to applicants worldwide as well. Admitted students may choose the online class or the on-campus class; those who choose the on-campus class will take courses on the main campus of Michigan State University.


本项目优先录取新闻、传播、广告、公关、影视、设计等相关专业的在读硕士生。在读研究生可以申请转换本校的9个学分, 获准转换学分的研究生可用大概一年时间,完成本项目其余21个学分,获得密歇根州立大学战略传播硕士学位。

The program gives admission priorities to current graduate students in journalism, communication, advertising, public relations, television and film, and design, as well as other related disciplines. Current graduate students may apply for transfer of 9 credits from their coursework. With such credit transfer, the student may complete the remaining 21 credits of coursework for this program within one year or so, to earn the MA degree of Michigan State University in strategic communication.


This program welcomes those with a bachelor's degree and two years of work experience to apply for admission. Such students may need one year and half or two years to complete the 30 credits of coursework to earn the MA degree of Michigan State University in strategic communication.


Application materials include the resume, personal statement, academic statement, transcript, diploma, TOEFL scores, and three letters of reference. Michigan State University College of Communication Arts and Sciences has established formal academic collaborative relationships with several colleges of journalism and communication in China, current graduate students at any of these colleges may transfer 9 credits directly to this program, and other current graduate students may apply for credit transfer individually.



Application Deadline

Students who plan to start the program in the fall of 2018 should apply now, until February 1, 2018. The admissions office will review the application as soon as its materials are complete. Those who pass the preliminary review will be arranged for an English interview before final admission decision is made. Letters of acceptance will be sent in a timely manner. As for specific application procedures, as well as the program overview, course description and tuitions, please visit the program’s website:


如果您对本项目感兴趣、或者有什么问题,请联系密歇根州立大学战略传播硕士学位项目主任Jason Archer先生,邮箱;或者联系密歇根州立大学传播学院中国项目主任李海容教授(可用中文),邮箱。


If you are interested in the program or have any questions, please contact Mr. Jason Archer, Director of the Michigan State University Strategic Communication MA Program, his email:; or contact Professor Hairong Li, Director of China Programs for Michigan State University College of Communication Arts and Sciences (may use Chinese), his email: