主题:Innovation in the German public sector
主讲人:格鲁诺教授(Prof. Dieter Grunow)
Prof. Dr. rer.soc. Dieter Grunow, (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft: im Ruhestand seit 2010) Universität Duisburg-Essen
Rhein-Ruhr-Institut für Sozialforschung und Politikberatung (Direktor für internationale
Wissenschaftskooperation) in Duisburg
Konfuzius-Institut Metropole Ruhr (Vereinsvorsitzender) in Duisburg
Studium der Sozialwissenschaft (Tübingen, Jackson/Miss.(US), Münster, Bielefeld)
Direktor verschiedener Forschungsinstitute; Forschungen zur Öffentlichen Verwaltung und in verschiedenen Politikfeldern (Soziales, Gesundheit, Umwelt u.a.)
Professor in Kassel 1984-86; Professor in Duisburg 1986-2010.
(mehr Details bei www.risp-duisburg.de)
Lecture on Innovation in the Public Sector
The lecture starts with a short comment about the concept of innovation (beyond technical/economic issues). It is argued that an understanding of the existing “elephant” (public sector) is necessary to analyse and evaluate innovation. Therefore, the basic features of the German Public Sector are described. The main part of the lecture is dealing with a selection of recent innovation projects – taken from the macro-, the meso- and the micro-level of public arrangements. The lecture ends with some indications of future challenges.
List of Topics
The public sector as an important component of the German society (functional subsystems as an alternative concept)
Dimensions of innovation: differences in time, objects and social setting
3. Examples
3.1 macro-vertical (federal) relationships
3.2 macro-horizontal (sectoral) relationships
3.3 organizational principles
3.4 interaction with citizens
4. Coming challenges