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姓 名:魏合林

职 称:教授



通讯地址:18luck新利电竞 物理学院科技楼南416


魏合林,1965年7月出生。1986年毕业于湖北大学物理系,获得学士学位;1989年毕业于18luck新利电竞 物理系获得硕士学位,并于2000年获博士学位。1999年在俄罗斯莫斯科大学物理系访问,2000-2004年在香港理工大学及香港科技大学访问,2005年与美国伦斯勒理工学院访问。主要从事纳米材料生长机理及制备研究。


主要从事纳米材料制备、生长机理及性能研究。近期发展一种新的工艺技术制备石墨烯和多孔碳膜复合材料,高材料适用于各种储能器件作为电极材料,部分研究成果发表在Sci. Rep.,RSC Adv., 和Electrochimica Acta等期刊上。


Selected Publications

1.Yuhao Liu, Lili Yuan, Yang Yue, Minglei Hu, Helin Wei, Fabrication of 3D foam-like hybrid carbon materials of porous carbon/graphene and its electrochemical performance, Electrochimica Acta 196 153(2016).

2.Yuhao Liu, Minglei Hu, Yang Yue, Daming Zhu, Helin Wei, Facile fabrication of porous carbonfilm/Ni foil double-layer structure for high-rate and high-powerflexible electrochemical capacitor, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 767, 167(2016).

3.Helin Wei,Sihang Wei, Weifeng Tian, Daming Zhu, Yuhao Liu, LiliYuan, Xin Li, Fabrication of thickness controllable free-standing sandwich-structured hybrid carbon film for high-rate and high-power supercapacitor,Sci. Rep. 4, 7050; DOI:10.1038/srep07050 (2014).

4.Daming Zhu,Yuhao Liu,Lili Yuan,Yi Liu,Xiaolong Li,Lin Yi,Helin Wei,and Kailun Yao,Controllable synthesis of large-area free-standing amorphous carbonfilms and their potential application in supercapacitors, RSC Adv., 4, 63734(2014).

5.Q S Jiang, J Gao, H L Wei*, L Yi,Fabrication of photonic crystal heterostructures by a simple vertical deposition technique,J Mater Sci, 49, 1832(2014).

6.Q S Jiang,K Li,H L Wei*, L Yi,Tunable optical stop band of silica shell photonic crystals,J Sol-Gel Sci Technol, 67, 565(2013).

7.Q S Jiang, J Zhong, X Hu, F F Song, K Ren, H L Wei*, Lin Yi,Fabrication and optical properties of silica shell photonic crystals,Coll and Surf A, 415 202(2012).

8.Q S Jiang, C Li, S G Shi, D G Zhao, L Xiong, H L Wei*, Lin Yi, Assembling ultra-thick and crack-free colloidal crystals via an isothermal heating evaporation induced self-assembly method, J Non-Crystalline Solids, 358,1611(2012).

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