The IEEE PELS Day Technical Exchange Forum was successfully held
The IEEE PELS Day Technology Exchange Forum and HUST Power Electronics Collaborative Innovation Conference was successfully held at Huazhong University of Science and Technology on June 18, 2023.
2023-07-05 -
IEEE电力电子学会(PELS)是电力电子领域最具影响力的国际组织,在全球拥有超过1万名会员。PELS成立于1987年6月20日,这一天也被定为PELS DAY,每年全世界的分会、学生分会均会举行研讨会、特邀讲座、工业参观、学…
2022-06-11 -
The IEEE PELS Wuhan and Singapore Branch co-host symposium is coming!
IEEE PELS Wuhan and Singapore co-host symposium will be held on 2022.04.05. The symposium is co-organized by IEEE Wuhan Chapter and IEEE PELS Singapore Chapter, and supported by SEEE, HUST. This sym…
President Speech
Dear all:
As the chair of IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) Wuhan Chapter, I would like to welcome everyone to visit our website.
IEEE PELS is one of the major technical branches of IEEE, and is the most influential organization of power electronics area in the world. Power electronics is one of the major cutting-edge technologies in the 21th century, highly influencing the modern industry, transportation and power grid. With IEEE PELS, researchers, students and engineers in the power electronics area more
more+Student Branch
IEEE Congratulation letter
To IEEE PELS Wuhan Chapter:
Congratulations with the new chapter formation and also the recent award from the IEEE Power Electronics Society for best chapter. It is very well deserved and hope this new web site will be used as a place for knowledge dissemination, networking and a forum for discussion. The power electronics technology is evolving so fast with increasing applications – so students, professionals, industry and academia need such a place for knowledge sharing.
Frede Blaabjerg
President, IEEE PELS