
作者: 时间:2023-10-17 点击数:


来自18luck新利电竞 、西班牙UPC德国GRS、华北电力大学、国家电投集团中央研究院的团队分别报告,国内外各参与单位通过线上线下的方式参与了此次启动会

国际标准题51号(ISP-51)项目针对以中国大型先进非能动压水堆CAP1400为原型设计建造的ACME台架,联合国内外27家参与单位开展不同程序的计算与验证,包括公开测试(open test盲算测试(blind test,目前该项目处于公开测试的完成和盲算测试的启动阶段。

The OECD International Standard Problem No.51 (ISP-51) Workshop & Blind Test Phase Kick-off Meeting Was Held on September 25 in Xian. The meeting was embedded with the NTFDAC-3 and RETHAC-2023 conferences (Nuclear Reactor Thermal Fluid Dynamics 3nd Annual Conference & The CNNC Key Laboratory on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulic Technology 2023 Annual Conference), and six presentations from HUST, UPC, GRS, NCEPU and SPICRI are given.

The International Standard Problem No.51 (ISP-51) project is based on China's large-scale Integral Effect Test facility-ACME (Advanced Core Cooling System Mechanism Experiment) facility-designed and developed with China's Advanced Passive pressurized water reactor CAP1400 as the prototype. 27 participating universities and institutions from 10 countries are  carry out calculation and verification of different codes in two stages including "Open Test" and "Blind Test".

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