报告题目:Recent progress on a three-component reaction-diffusion model for the population dynamics of farmers and hunter-gatherers
报告摘要:As regards the propagation of fronts for solutions of the reaction-diffusion system, there exists a rich literature on the cooperate system and the competition system, for which the comparison principle still holds. However, much less is known about the spreading properties for systems for which the comparison principle does not hold, apart from some recent works such as:
【1】A. Ducrot, T. Giletti and H. Matano, Spreading speeds for multidimensional reaction-diffusion systems of the prey-predator type【2】Ryunosuke Mori and Dongyuan Xiao, Spreading properties of a three-component reaction-diffusion model for the population of farmers and hunter-gatherers.In this talk, we are going to introduce our recent progress on a three-component reaction-diffusion model.
报告人简介:萧冬远,现任东京大学JSPS研究员,致力于有生物物理背景的数学模型的理论研究。在J. Math. Pures Appl.、Ann. Inst. Henri Poincare Anal. Non Lineaire、Comm. Partial Differential Equations、Proc. London Math. Soc.等期刊发表论文多篇。