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Center for Comparative Cultural & Literary Studies (CCLS Center)

Time:October 26, 2021

        The research team of CCLS Center is formed by school-wide faculty members and M.A. and Ph.D. supervisors who teach and research in the field of Intercultural Communication, British and American Literature, German Literature, and Comparative Literature. The aim of the Center is primarily to establish an exchange platform for the faculty and graduates of intercultural studies and foreign literature studies, and at the same time promote interaction between teaching and researching, which has long been a key discipline-building move of the school. Current major research directions include Intercultural Communication, Foreign Literature and Comparative Literature.

        Our research in foreign language education and intercultural communication is mainly focused on: 1) intercultural speech-acts, 2) intercultural communication competence, 3) culture acquisition and culture teaching, 4) cultural values of contemporary college students, 5) cultural identity and identity recognition of foreign language learners, 6) intercultural adaptation of Chinese scholars, etc.

        As for the directions of foreign literature and comparative literature, the present focuses of research include: 1) British children’s literature, 2) American “Apocalyptic Literature”, 3) overseas Chinese Literature, 4) Sino-German Literary Relations, 5) intercultural imagery, 6) culture and translation during the period of the Republic of China, etc.

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    • 1037 Luoyu Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan City
@School of Foreign Languages, Huazhong University of Science and Technology