Phone: +86-027-87542517-805
Email: wangjhust@mail.hust.edu.cn
Academic Areas: Fluid Machinery and Engineering
Research Interests: Unsteady flow mechanism of turbomachinery, Noise control and energy saving of fluid machinery, Complex internal flow and visualization experiment of turbomachinery, Development of modern fluid machinery
Director of Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics (CSET), member of Fluid Machinery Committee (FM)
Member of Chinese Society for Agriculture Machinery (CSAM)
Executive director of Fluid Engineering Branch of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (CMES)
Member of Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society (CHES) on Pumps and Pumping Stations
Academic Degrees
PhD, 1999, Department of Aerospace Propulsion Theory and Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi`an, China;
Master, 1993, Department of Mechanical Equipment Engineering, Xi`an University of Science and Technology, Xi`an, China;
Bachelor, 1984, Department of Machine Design and Theory, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, China.
Professional Experience
Professor (2007-present), School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Assistant Professor (2002-2007), School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Postdoc (2002-2004), Fluid Machinery and Engineering, Study on the three - dimensional Numerical Prediction of Pressure Fluctuation in Turbine Draft Tube, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Postdoc (2000-2002), Fluid Machinery and Engineering, Study on Internal Flow Characteristics of Air Conditioner, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Selected Publications
· 1. Jiang B, Liu H, Wang J, et al. PIV investigation of flow characteristics in multi-blade centrifugal fan under low flow-rate condition. Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition), 2017, 45(5):98-103. (in Chinese)
· 2. Jiang B, Liu H, Li B, et al. Effects of cut volute profile on squirrel cage fan performance and flow field[J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2018, 10(3): 1-14.
· 3. Wang W, Wang J, Liu H, et al. CFD Prediction of Airfoil Drag in Viscous Flow Using the Entropy Generation Method[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2018:1-15.
· 4. Jia-Jun LI, Jun W, Bo-Yan J, et al. An Optimal Design Method for Volute Based on Controlling the Area Distribution of Circumferential Cross Section. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics 2018; 39(12):2665-2669. (in Chinese)
· 5. Yang W G, Jiang B Y, Wang J, et al. Study on the Effect of Inlet Nozzle Eccentric Installation on Performance and Noise of Multi-blade Centrifugal Fan. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2018, 39(7):1476-1480. (in Chinese)
· 6. Jiang B, Wang J, Huang Y, et al. Investigation on numerical simulation of impeller-across flow structure in multi-blade centrifugal fan. Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition), 2018, 46(4):1-5. (in Chinese)
· 7. Wei W, Jun W, Jia-Jun L I, et al. Entropy generation rates calculation in turbulent flow through an airfoil based on eddy viscosity models[J]. Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics, 2018,35(03):387-392. (in Chinese)
· 8. Wang W, Wang J, Yang X P, et al. Aerodynamic Optimization Design of Airfoil Shape Using Entropy Generation as an Objective[J]. Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 2019, 11(2).
· 9. Wang W, Wang J, Yin G, et al. Aerodynamic characteristics and vortex shedding patterns analysis of airfoil at low Reynolds number conditions. Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition), 2019,47(12):1-6. (in Chinese)
· 10. Jiang B, Wang J, Huang Y, et al. Investigation on numerical simulation of impeller-across flow structure in multi-blade centrifugal fan[J]. Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition), 2018, 46(4):1-5. (in Chinese)
· 11. Juan Zhihui , Wang Jun , Tang Jun , Xie Bochao , et al. Effects of Tip End-plate Installation Position on the Aerodynamic Performance of an Axial Flow Fan. Journal of Chinese Society of Power Engineering, 2018, 038(003):221-225. (in Chinese)
· 12. Jiang B, Wang J, Yang X, et al. Tonal noise reduction by unevenly spaced blades in a forward-curved-blades centrifugal fan[J]. Applied Acoustics, 2019, 146: 172-183.
· 13. Jiang B, Wang J, Yang X, et al. Tonal noise reduction by unevenly spaced blades in a forward-curved-blades centrifugal fan[J]. Applied Acoustics, 2019, 146: 172-183.
· 14. Xiao Q, Jang B, Wang J. Volute profile design of the squirrel cage fan based on a B-spline curve under space limitation[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 2020, 234(7): 889-899.
· 15. Yanyan D, Wang J, Wang W, Jiang B, Xiao Q, Ye T. Multi-condition optimization of a cross-flow fan based on the maximum entropy method. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy. 2021;235(7):1639-1648.
· 16. Yanyan D, Wang J, Wang W, Ye T, Multi-condition optimization of cross-flow fan based on Bezier curve[J]. Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition), 2021, 49(03):58-62. (in Chinese)
· 17. Liu H, Jiang B, Wang W, et al. Redesign of Axial Fan Using Viscous Inverse Design Method Based on Boundary Vorticity Flux Diagnosis[J]. Journal of Turbomachinery, 2021, 143(5): 051006.
· 18. Liu H, Jiang B, Wang J, et al. Numerical and experimental investigations on non-axisymmetric D-type inlet nozzle for a squirrel-cage fan[J]. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2021, 15(1): 363-376.
1. Two provincial and ministerial scientific and technology progress awards, including a Science and technology Progress Award of Hubei Province and a technology Progress Award of Education Ministry. Two science and technology progress awards of Industry-University-Institute research.
2. Publishing more than 100 papers, and more than 40 published papers included in SCI and EI, a number of patents have been authorized, including 10 invention patents and 5 utility model patents.
Courses Taught
Engineering Fluid Mechanics
Modern Design Method of Fluid Machinery
Energy Saving of Fluid Machinery System
Utilization of Wind Energy
Noise Control Techniques
Three-Dimensional Flow Theory of Fluid Machinery
Device Foundation of Energy and Power
Introduction to Subject Foundation
Undertake and participate in the national 863 program, fund research projects, major special topics, and host and complete a number of major Industry-University-Institute cooperation projects.
1. National Key Research and Development Program of China: Refined analysis and diagnosis method for complex hydrodynamic behavior of fluid machinery, 2018/05—2021/04.
2. Project of Southern Intelligence Valley Innovation Team: "Research and Application of Digital and Intelligent Technology For the Design and Manufacture of Household Electrical Appliances", Subproject-3, "Research on Digital Optimization Design System and Prediction and Control of Noise for Low-Pressure Blower in Air conditioning",2013/06 —2018/05, Principal Investigator.
3. Industry-University-Institute cooperation project: The design of axial flow fan with high efficiency and low noise, 2018
4. Industry-University-Institute cooperation project: European fan system design and experimental research, 2018
5. Industry-University-Institute cooperation project: Research and development of cross flow air Curtain machine system,2018
6. Industry-University-Institute cooperation project: Study on pneumatic and heat exchange in high efficiency compressors,2019
7. Industry-University-Institute cooperation project: IMES system outdoor unit development,2019
8. Industry-University-Institute cooperation project: Low noise axial flow fan system development and optimization,2020
9. Industry-University-Institute cooperation project: Research and development of parametric model and optimization platform for oil absorption,2020
10. Industry-University-Institute cooperation project: Research on two-time performance leading fan technology, 2020.