Tel (Office): +862787542417-8219
Academic Areas:Power engineering and engineering thermophysics
Research Interests:(Nano/micro-scale) Radiative heat transfer; Combustion measurement
Academic Degrees
PhD, 2001, School ofEnergy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan, China;
Bachelor, 1997, School ofEnergy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan, China.
Professional Experience
Professor (2018-present); School ofEnergy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Associate Professor (2010-2018); School ofEnergy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Lecturer (2009-2010); School ofEnergy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Postdoctoral(2007-2009);School ofWuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
Selected Publications
[1] Mengting Si,Qiang Cheng*, LinYuan, Zixue Luo*, Zuwei Xu, Haibo Zhao. Physical and chemical characterization of two kinds of coal-derived soot. Combustion and Flame.2021, 111759.
[2] Kun Zhou, Lu Lu, Bowen Li andQiang Cheng*. Hyperbolic plasmon-phonon dispersion and tunable spontaneous emission enhancement in Ge2Sb2Te5-based multilayer graphene and hBN system. Journal of Applied Physics. 2021, 130(9): 093102.
[3] Lu Lu, Kun Zhou, Bo Zhang, Bowen Li, Zixue Luo, Jinlin Song andQiang Cheng*. Magnetic-field control of near-field radiative heat transfer by liquid crystals-based magneto-optical metamaterials. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2021, 54: 425103.
[4] Bowen Li,Qiang Cheng*, Jinlin Song, Kun Zhou, Lu Lu, Zixue Luo, Xusheng Zhuo. Thermodynamic bounds of work and efficiency in near-field thermoradiative systems. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2021, 180: 121807.
[5] Mengting Si,Qiang Cheng*, Lin Yuan, Zixue Luo*, Weijie Yan, Huaichun Zhou. Study on the combustion behavior and soot formation of single coal particle using hyperspectral imaging technique. Combustion and Flame. 2021, 223: 111568.
[6] Bowen Li,Qiang Cheng*, Jinlin Song, Kun Zhou, Lu Lu and Zixue Luo. Thermodynamic performance of near-field electroluminescence and negative electroluminescent refrigeration systems. AIMS Energy. 2021, 9(3): 465-482.
[7] Jinlin Song,Qiang Cheng*, Bo Zhang, Lu Lu, Xinping Zhou, Zixue Luo and Run Hu*, Many-body near-field radiative heat transfer: methods, functionalities and applications, Reports on progress in physics 2021, 84(3): 36501.
[8] Bo Zhang, Jinlin Song, Lu Lu, Bowen Li, Kun Zhou,Qiang Cheng*, and Zixue Luo*. Magnetic-field control of near-field radiative heat transfer between graphene-based hyperbolic metamaterials. Applied Physics Letters. 2020, 117 (16), 163901.
[9] Shihao Zhang, Kun Zhou*,Qiang Cheng*, Lu Lu, Bowen Li, Jinlin Song and Zixue Luo. Tunable narrowband shortwave-infrared absorber made of a nanodisk-based metasurface and a phase-change material Ge2Sb2Te5 layer. Applied Optics. 2020, 59(21):6309-6314.
[10]Kun Zhou,Qiang Cheng*, Lu Lu, Bowen Li, Jinlin Song and Zixue Luo*. Dual-band tunable narrowband near-infrared light trapping control based on a hybrid grating-based Fabry–Perot structure. Optics Express. 2020, 28(2): 1647-1656.
[11]Kun Zhou,Qiang Cheng*, Lu Lu, Bowen Li, Jinlin Song, Mengting Si and Zixue Luo. Multichannel tunable narrowband mid-infrared optical filter based on phase-change material Ge2Sb2Te5 defect layers. Applied Optics. 2020, 59: 595-600.
[12]Bowen Li,Qiang Cheng*, Jinlin Song, Kun Zhou, Lu Lu, and Zixue Luo. Evaluation of performance of near-field thermophotovoltaic systems based on entropy analysis. Journal of Applied Physics. 2020, 127: 063103.
[13]Jinlin Song,Qiang Cheng*, Lu Lu, Bowen Li, Kun Zhou, Bo Zhang, Zixue Luo, and Xinping Zhou. Magnetically Tunable Near-Field Radiative Heat Transfer in Hyperbolic Metamaterials. Physical Review Applied. 2020, 13(2): 024054.
[14]Jinlin Song, Lu Lu, Bowen Li, Bo Zhang, Run Hu*, Xinping Zhou,Qiang Cheng*. Thermal routing via near-field radiative heat transfer. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2020, 150: 119346.
[15]Kun Zhou,Qiang Cheng*, Jinlin Song, Lu Lu, Zixue Luo. Highly efficient narrow-band absorption of a graphene-based Fabry–Perot structure at telecommunication wavelengths. Optics Letters, 2019, 44(14), 3430-3433.
[16]Danxia Xu, Xiteng Wu, Lun Ma, Xinyu Ning,Qiang Cheng*, Zixue Luo. Co-firing characteristics and kinetic analysis of distillers’ grains/coal for power plant, IET Renewable Power Generation, 2019, 13(12): 2148-2155.
[17]Yang Liu,Zixue Luo*, andQiang Cheng*. Radiative Heat Transfer in Two-Dimensional Cylindrical Medium Coupled with BRDF Surface. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2019. DOI: 10.2514/1.T5715
[18]Kun Zhou, Jinlin Song, Lu Lu, Zixue Luo,Qiang Cheng*. Plasmon-enhanced broadband absorption of MoS2-based structure using Au nanoparticles. Optics Express, 2019, 27(3), 2305-2316.
[19]Mengting Si,Qiang Cheng*, Qi Zhang, Dongxu Wang & Zixue Luo. Simultaneous Reconstruction of the Temperature and Inhomogeneous Radiative Properties of Soot in Atmospheric and Pressurized Ethylene/Air Flames. Combustion Science and Technology, 2019, 1632299.
[20]Mengting Si,Qiang Cheng*, Qi Zhang, Dongxu Wang, Zixue Luo*, Chun Lou. Study of temperature, apparent spectral emissivity, and soot loading of a single burning coal particle using hyper-spectral imaging technique. Combustion and Flame, 2019, 209:267-277.
[21]Jinlin Song,Qiang Cheng*, Zixue Luo, Xinping Zhou, Zhuomin Zhang. Modulation and splitting of three-body radiative heat flux via graphene/SiC core-shell nanoparticles. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 140:80-87.
[22]Lu Lu, Jinlin Song, Kun Zhou, Ou Han,Qiang Cheng*, Zixue Luo. Ultrafast tunable near-field radiative thermal modulator made of Ge3Sb2Te6. Journal of Heat Transfer, 2019, 141(7): 072701.
[23]Kun Zhou, Lu Lu, Jinlin Song, Bowen Li,Qiang Cheng*. Ultra-narrow-band and highly efficient near-infrared absorption of a graphene-based Tamm plasmon polaritons structure. Journal of Applied Physics, 2018, 124, 123102.
[24]Kun Zhou,Qiang Cheng*, Jinlin Song, Lu Lu, Zhihao Jia, Junwei Li. Broadband perfect infrared absorption by tuning epsilon-near-zero and epsilon-near-pole resonances of multilayer ITO nanowires. Applied Optics, 2018, 57(1): 102-111.
[25]Jinlin Song, Lu Lu,Qiang Cheng*, Zixue Luo. Three-body heat transfer between anisotropic magneto-dielectric hyperbolic metamaterials. Journal of Heat Transfer, 2018, 140(8): 082005.
[26]Jinlin Song, Lu Lu,Qiang Cheng*, Zixue Luo. Surface plasmon-enhanced optical absorption in monolayer MoS2 with one-dimensional Au grating. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2018, 211: 138-143.
[27]Mengting Si,Qiang Cheng*, Jinlin Song, Yang Liu, Mengjie Tao, Chun Lou*. Study on inversion of morphological parameters of soot aggregates in hydrocarbon flames [J], Combustion and Flame, 2017, 183: 261–270.
[28]Yang Liu,Qiang Cheng*, Mengting Si, Jinlin Song. The effect of BRDF surface on radiative transfer within a two-dimensional graded index medium [J], International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2017 117: 90-97.
[29]Jiale Chai,Qiang Cheng*, Mengti Si, Yang Su, Yifan Zhou, Jinlin Song. Numerical simulation of white double-layer coating with different submicron particles on the spectral reflectance [J], Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2017, 189: 176-180.
[30]Zhihao Jia,Qiang Cheng*, Jinlin Song, Yifan Zhou, Yang Liu. Enhanced absorptance of the assembly structure incorporating germanium nanorods and two dimensional silicon gratings for photovoltaics [J], Applied Optics, 2016, 55(31): 8821–8828.
[31]Jinlin Song,Qiang Cheng*. Near-field radiative heat transfer between graphene and anisotropic magneto-dielectric hyperbolic metamaterials [J]. Physical Review B, 2016, 94(12): 125419.
[32]Qiang Cheng*, Jiale Chai, Zhuomin Zhang. Investigation of double-layer coating pigmented with CuO particles of different concentrations on aesthetic and thermal aspects [J]. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2016 105: 36-44.
[33]Zhihao Jia,Qiang Cheng*, Jinlin Song, Mengting Si, Zixue Luo Optical properties of a grating-nanorod assembly structure for solar cells [J], Optics Communications, 2016, 376: 14–20.
[34]Jinlin Song, Mengting Si,Qiang Cheng*, Zixue Luo. Two-dimensional trilayer grating with a metal/insulator/metal structure as a thermophotovoltaic emitter [J]. Applied Optics, 2016, 55(6): 1284-1290
[35]Qiang Cheng, Peiyang Yang, Zhuomin Zhang*. Radiative Properties of Ceramic Radiative Properties of Ceramic Al2O3, AlN, and Si3N4: I. Experiments: I. Experiments[J]. International Journal of Thermophysics, 2016, 37(6): 1-16.
[36]Yang Su,Qiang Cheng*, Jinlin Song, Menting Si. Numerical study on a multiple-channel micro combustor for a micro-thermophotovoltaic system [J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2016, 120:197–205.
[37]Yang Su, Jinlin Song, Jiale Chai,Qiang Cheng*, Zixue Luo, Chun Lou, Peifang Fu. Numerical investigation of a novel micro combustor with double-cavity for micro-thermophotovoltaic system[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 106: 173-180.
[38]Jinlin Song, Hao Wu,Qiang Cheng*, Junming Zhao. 1D trilayer films grating with W/SiO2/W structure as a wavelength-selective emitter for thermophotovoltaic applications[J]. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2015, 158: 136-144.
[39]Jiale Chai,Qiang Cheng*, Jiniln Song, Zhichao Wang, Huaichun Zhou. The DRESOR method for one-dimensional transient radiative transfer in graded index medium coupled with BRDF surface[J]. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2015, 91: 96-104.
[40]Qiang Cheng*, Jiale Chai, Zheng Zhou, Jinlin Song, Yang Su. Tailored non-imaging secondary reflectors designed for solar concentration systems [J]. Solar Energy, 2014, 110: 160-167.
[41]Zheng Zhou,Qiang Cheng*, Pingping Li, Huaichun Zhou. Non-imaging concentrating reflectors designed for solar concentration systems [J]. Solar Energy, 2014, 103: 494-501.
[42]Qiang Cheng*, Xian Zhang, Zhifeng Huang, Zhichao Wang, Huaichun Zhou. The DRESOR Method for Radiative Heat Transfer in Semitransparent Graded index Cylindrical Medium [J]. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 2014, 143: 16-24.
[43]Qiang Cheng*, Pingping Li, Jia Lu, Xingjian Yu, Huaichun Zhou. Silicon complex grating with different groove depths as an absorber for solar cells [J]. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 2014, 132:70-79.
[44]Zhichao Wang, Jinlin Song,Jiale Chai,Qiang Cheng*, HuaichunZhou*. The effect of BRDF surface on radiative heat transfer within a one-dimensional graded index medium [J]. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2014, 77: 116-125.
[45]Qiang Cheng*, Xiangyu Zhang, Zhichao Wang, Huaichun Zhou, Song Shao. Simultaneous Measurement of Three-Dimensional Temperature Distributions and Radiative Properties Based on Radiation Image Processing Technology in a Gas-fired Pilot Tubular Furnace [J]. Heat Transfer Engineering, 2014, 35(6-8): 770-779.
[46]Zhichao Wang,Qiang Cheng*, Huai-Chun Zhou*. The DRESOR method for transient radiation transfer in 1-D graded index medium with pulse irradiation [J]. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2013, 68: 127-136.
[47]Zhifeng Huang, Huaichun Zhou*,Qiang Cheng*, Peifeng Hsu. Solution of radiative intensity with high directional resolution in three-dimensional rectangular enclosures by DRESOR method [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2013, 60: 81-87.
[48]Guihua Wang, Huaichun Zhou*,Qiang Cheng*, Zhi-Chao Wang, Huang Zhifeng. Equation-solving DRESOR method for radiative transfer in a plane-parallel, absorbing, emitting, and isotropically scattering medium with transparent boundaries [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2012, 55(13): 3454-3457.
[49]Guihua Wang, Huaichun Zhou*,Qiang Cheng*, Wang Zhichao. Equation-Solving DRESOR Method for Radiative Transfer in an Absorbing–Emitting and Isotropically Scattering Slab with Diffuse Boundaries [J]. Journal of Heat Transfer, 2012, 134: 122702.
[50]Qiang Cheng, Luo Zixue*, Huaichun Zhou. Numerical Simulation on Radiative Heat Transfer through a Two-dimensional Rectangular Domain with Inhomogeneous, Absorbing and Isotropic/Anisotropic Scattering Media Exposed to Collimated Irradiation [J]. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences & Numerical Simulation. 2010, 11(11): 927-945.
[51]Qiang Cheng, Huaichun Zhou*, Yonglin Yu, Dexiu Huang. Highly-directional radiative intensity in a 2-D rectangular enclosure calculated by the DRESOR method [J]. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals. 2008, 54(4): 354-367.
[52]Qiang Cheng, Huaichun Zhou*, Zhifeng Huang, Yonglin Yu, Dexiu Huang. The Solution of Transient Riadative Transfer with Collimated Incident Serial Pulse in a Plane-Parallel Medium by the DRESOR Method [J]. Journal of Heat Transfer. 2008, 130(10):102701-1-15.
[53]Qiang Cheng, Huaichun Zhou*. The DRESOR method for the solution of collimated irradiation on an isotropically scattering layer [J]. Journal of Heat Transfer, 2007, 129(5): 634-645.
2012 Beijing Science and Technology Progress Award (Third Prize);
2010 National Energy Science and Technology Progress Award (Second Prize): New technology of three-dimensional temperature field monitoring and combustion optimization of in Coal-fired power station boiler;
2007 Technological Invention in Hubei Province (First Prize): Real time three-dimensional temperature field monitoring and unit control technology in industrial furnace;
2006 Technological Inventions in Institutions of Higher Learning (Second Prize): Real-time visualization detection technology of combustion flame with its applications.
Courses Taught
Engineering Heat Transfer;
Advanced Heat Transfer;
Prospect of Energy Science.
1. National Natural Science Foundation of China:52176071, Research on magnetic field regulation of near-field radiation heat transfer, 2022/01-2025/12;
2. National Natural Science Foundation of China:51676077, Study on high-temperature combustion mechanism of coal char based on hyperspectral imaging analysis, 2017/01—2020/12;
3. National Natural Science Foundation of China:50906027, Research on the DRESOR method for accurately and efficiently solving the actual radiation heat transfer problem, 2010/01—2012/12;
4. National Natural Science Foundation of China National Major Instrument Development Project: 51827808, Spectrum / Imaging detection system for combustion flame free radicals, particulate matter and main gaseous products, 2019/01-2023/12;
5. Shenzhen Basic Research Project: JCYJ20170307171534237, Research on Near-field Radiant Cooling Device for Optical Communication Lasers, 2018/01-2019/12;
6. Natural Science Fund Project of Hubei Province: 2013CFB155, Study on Controlling Radiation Characteristics of Light Trapping Microstructure on Solar Cell Surface, 2013/01-2014/12;
7. Innovation Team Cultivation Project of Independent Innovation Fund of Huazhong University of Science and Technology: 2016YXZD009, Study on spectrally selective solar photothermal utilization, 2016/01-2018/12.