应计算机学院智能与分布计算实验室李瑞轩教授邀请,澳大利亚悉尼科技大学(University Technology Sydney)徐贯东(Guandong Xu)讲师将于2013年4月26日(周五)下午来计算机学院举行学术报告,欢迎广大师生参加。
讲座题目:Personalized Recommendation via Cross-Domain Triadic Factorization (WWW'13 accepted regular paper)
讲座题目:Personalized Recommendation via Cross-Domain Triadic Factorization (WWW'13 accepted regular paper)
Collaborative filtering (CF) is a major technique in recommender systems to help users find their potentially desired items. Since the data sparsity problem is quite commonly encountered in real-world scenarios, Cross-Domain Collaborative Filtering (CDCF) hence is becoming an emerging research topic in recent years. However, due to the lack of sufficient dense explicit feedbacks and even no feedback available in users’ uninvolved domains, current CDCF approaches may not perform satisfactorily in user preference prediction. In this talk, we propose a generalized Cross Domain Triadic Factorization (CDTF) model over the triadic relation user-item-domain, which can better capture the interactions between domain-specific user factors and item factors. In particular, we devise two CDTF algorithms to leverage user explicit and implicit feedbacks respectively, along with a genetic algorithm based weight parameters tuning algorithm to trade off influence among domains optimally. Finally, we conduct experiments to evaluate our models and compare with other state-of-the-art models by using two real world datasets. The results show the superiority of our models against other comparative models.
Dr. Guandong Xu is now a lecturer in the Advanced Analytics Institute, University of Technology Sydney and he received PhD degree in Computer Science from Victoria University, Australia in 2009. His research interests cover Web Data management and Analysis, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Internet Computing, Social Network Analysis, Recommender Systems, Social Computing and Social Informatics. His research has gained research funding from Australian governments and universities. In last ten years, he has had over 60 publications: He has published three authored monograph books with Springer and CRC press, one edited scientific book with IGI-global publisher, and five conference proceedings along with dozens of journal and conference papers including CJ, WWWJ, CCPE, WWW, IJCAI, AAAI, CIKM, DASFAA, WISE, and PAKDD. He has been serving in editorial board or as guest editors for several international journals, such as the Computer Journal, Journal of Systems and Software and World Wide Web Journal, and he is the assistant Editor-in-Chief of World Wide Web Journal. He is also active in organizing or serving for international conferences and workshops. He is a PC Co-Chair of 2014 IEEE/ACM ASONAM conference.
徐贯东博士现任悉尼科技大学先进分析技术学院讲师,博士生导师,他于2009年在澳大利亚维多利亚大学获得计算机科学博士学位。他的研究兴趣包括Web数据管理与分析,数据挖掘,机器学习,Internet计算,社会网络分析,推荐系统,社会计算和社会信息学。他的研究已经获得了澳大利亚政府和大学的多项科研经费资助。在过去的十年中,他已经出版和发表了60多部(篇)学术著作和论文:其中包括在国际权威出版社Springer和CRC Press出版的三本学术专著,IGI-Global出版的一部编著和五部国际学术会议论文集编著(Springer),以及在the computer Journal, WWWJ,CCPE 杂志和国际顶级学术会议如WWW,IJCAI,AAAI,CIKM,DASFAA,WISE和PAKDD会议上发表了数十篇学术论文(绝大多数被SCI和EI索引)。他现(曾)在一些国际权威学术期刊担任编委或特邀编辑,如the Computer Journal, Journal of Systems and Software,World Wide Web Journal,和International Journal of Web Engineering & Technology,他是World Wide Web Journal杂志助理主编。他还积极参与组织各类国际会议和研讨会,例如他是2014年IEEE/ACM ASONAM会议(社会关系网络和挖掘领域一个重要国际学术会议)程序委员会的共同主席之一。