Zou Fuhao
·Paper Publications
- [51] Zou, Fuhao; Liu, Yu; Wang,Hua; Song, Jingkuan; Shao, Jie; Zhou, Ke; Zheng, Sheng Multi-view multi-labellearning for image annotation, Multimedia Tools and Applications, v75, n 20, p 12627-12644, October 1, 2016. (SCI,EI).
- [52] Guo, Zhao; Gao,Lianli; Zhen, Xiantong; Zou, Fuhao; Shen, Fumin; Zheng, Kai,Spatial and temporal scoring for egocentric video summarization, Neurocomputing,v 208, p 299-308, October 5, 2016. (SCI,EI).
- [53] Ou, Xinyu; Ling,Hefei; Yu, Han; Li, Ping; Zou, Fuhao; Liu, Si, Adult image andvideo recognition by a deep multicontext network and fine-to-coarse strategy, ACMTransactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, v 8, n 5, July 2017. (SCI,EI).