邹春,男,1970年2月,湖南人,18luck新利电竞 煤燃烧国家重点实验室教授,博士生导师。长期从事燃烧基础研究、湍流燃烧数值模拟以及小型燃烧装置研发等方面的研究。目前的主要研究方向是oxy-fuel燃烧、oxy-steam燃烧、MILD燃烧、对冲燃烧、燃烧模型以及小型燃烧装置。已经培养了博士生6名,硕士13名。现在读的博士生5名,硕士生10名。获得授权发明专利6项,授权实用新型专利6项,曾主持2项国家自然科学基金项目,负责和主要参了5...
武汉城市建设学院 城市燃气 University graduated
华中理工大学 制冷与低温工程 With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates
18luck新利电竞 Postgraduate (Doctoral)
18luck新利电竞 教授
18luck新利电竞 副教授
18luck新利电竞 讲师
Z.-W. Tian, C. Zou*,, H.-J. Liu, Z.-L. Guo, Z.-H. Liu, C.-G. Zheng, Lattice Boltzmann scheme for simulating thermal micro-flow, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 385 (2007) 59-68. (Corresponding author).
C. Zou*,, L. Cai, C. Zheng, Numerical research on the homogeneous/heterogeneous ignition process of pulverized coal in oxy-fuel combustion, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 73 (2014) 207-216. (Corresponding author).
C. Zou*,, S. Cao, Y. Song, Y. He, F. Guo, C. Zheng, Characteristics and mechanistic analysis of CO formation in MILD regime with simultaneously diluted and preheated oxidant and fuel, Fuel, 130 (2014) 10-18. (Corresponding author).
C. Zou*,, Y. Song, G. Li, S. Cao, Y. He, C. Zheng, The chemical mechanism of steam’s effect on the temperature in methane oxy-steam combustion, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 75 (2014) 12-18. (Corresponding author).
C. Zou*,, L. Zhang, S. Cao, C. Zheng, A study of combustion characteristics of pulverized coal in O2/H2O atmosphere, Fuel, 115 (2014) 312-320. (Corresponding author).
L. Cai, C. Zou*,, Y. Liu, K. Zhou, Q. Han, C. Zheng, Numerical and experimental studies on the ignition of pulverized coal in O2/H2O atmospheres, Fuel, 139 (2015) 198-205.
ZL 200910246339.9 一种用于燃气灶具的燃烧器 2009.11
ZL 201020201775.2 一种用于冷凝式燃气热水器的冷凝换热器 2010.01
ZL 201010204882.5 一种煤粉锅炉烟气再循环燃烧方法 2010.09
ZL 200920268085.6 一种用于燃气灶具的燃烧器 2010 .09
ZL 201020514836.0 一种上进风燃气灶具 2011.3
ZL 201220469615.5 一种花瓣式燃烧器 2012.09