
· Personal Information

Associate professor

Supervisor of Master's Candidates



Teacher College:School of Architecture and Urban Planning

Department:School of Architecture and Urban Planning

Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering

Alma Mater:天津大学 建筑学院

Discipline: Architectural Design and Theory

Honors and Titles:
2019    2019年建规学院教书育人先进个人
2019    2019年校教学质量奖二等奖
2019    2019年全国教指委优秀教案及优秀作业 指导教师奖
2019    第二届Q-CITY国际大学生设计竞赛二等奖 指导教师奖
2019    2019上海城市设计挑战赛二等奖 指导教师奖
2018    2018上海城市设计挑战赛二等奖 指导教师奖
2018    2018全国建筑新人赛新人奖 指导教师奖
2016    2016年校教学质量奖二等奖
2016    First prize of teaching compitition of HUST, 2016
2015    Second prize of teaching quality award
2015    Excellent guide teacher award, UA international architectural compitition, 2015

· Other Contact Information:



· Personal Profile

ZHOU YuPh.D (Tianjin University), master's supervisor, Lecturer of Faculty of Architecture, HUST. He got his Bachelor, Master and Doctor’s degree in Tianjin University. He was a visiting scholar of Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, and attended the research project of “Urban Knowledge of Network Asia (UKNA)”, which was funded by the foundation of Maria Curie Action of European...


· Education Experience

2009.9 ~ 2013.1
 天津大学  -  Architectural Design and Theory  -  Doctoral Degree in Engineering  -  Postgraduate (Doctoral) 
2007.7 ~ 2009.6
 天津大学  -  Architectural Design and Theory  -  Professional Master's Degree in Architecture  -  Postgraduate (Master's Degree) 
2002.9 ~ 2007.9
 天津大学  -  Architecture  -  Professional Bachelor's Degree in Architecture  -  Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree) 

· Work Experience

18luck新利电竞 建筑与城市规划学院
荷兰代尔夫特理工大学(TU Delft)建筑学院  - 访问学者

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