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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

Supervisor of Master's Candidates



Teacher College:School of Architecture and Urban Planning

Department:School of Architecture and Urban Planning

Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering

Alma Mater:18luck新利电竞

Discipline: Architectural Design and Theory
Architectural History and Theory

Honors and Titles:
2018    2018第十六届亚洲设计学年奖:Floating Water,金奖
2018    2018两岸大学生聚落文化与传统建筑调查暨学术研讨会设计竞赛:山水驿乡-康里村,二等奖
2019    2019中国彝乡(云南·楚雄)民居设计大赛:又见土掌房,三等奖
2019    2019中国彝乡(云南·楚雄)民居设计大赛:共享火塘,三等奖
2019    2019中国彝乡(云南·楚雄)民居大赛LOGO设计赛:LOGO图案,优秀设计奖
2019    2019年两岸大学生聚落文化与传统建筑调查夏令营暨学术研讨会设计竞赛:回巷·“回”向·回乡,三等奖
2019    2019年两岸大学生聚落文化与传统建筑调查夏令营暨学术研讨会设计竞赛:燎原——康里聚落活化方案解析,三等奖
2020    2020年第十八届亚洲设计学年奖:YI3:遗居·宜居·彝居——遗产活化与精神复兴,铜奖
2020    2020年第十八届亚洲设计学年奖:ATHENS2021-INFINITY,金奖
2020    2020年第十八届亚洲设计学年奖:花之市·园之场,铜奖
2021    2021ICAD国际当代青年美术设计大赛:城市修补·矛盾性与复杂性,优秀奖
2021    2021香港当代设计奖:烟台太平湾码头片区城市设计及建筑设计,铜奖
2021    2021年第十九届亚洲设计学年奖:汉口往事——一次重回老汉口的探索发现之旅,优秀奖
2021    2021年第十九届亚洲设计学年奖:巴山酉水地,人间烟火集,优秀奖
2021    2021第八届“紫金奖·建筑及环境设计大赛:后疫情时代老旧社区改造设计,铜奖
2022    第八届中国研究生智慧城市技术与创意设计大赛:红钢城——青山呼吸机,优胜奖
2019    2019教育部推荐全国中小学书目:《中国建筑简明读本》,推荐奖
2018    2018年第23届中国民居建筑学术年会暨民居建筑国际学术研讨会,优秀论文第一名
2019    2019年第24届中国民居建筑学术年会暨民居建筑国际学术研讨会,优秀论文第一名
2022    忠峒里盐运小镇规划设计获湖北国土空间规划学会2022年优秀案例奖
2011    (1) 宣恩彭家寨历史文化名村保护规划获2011年湖北省优秀村镇规划奖三等奖
2023    宣恩文体中心获教育部2023年优秀勘察设计三等奖
2018    Zhang Xiaoli, Zhang Yinghui, Zhao Ranting, Second Prize in the Design Competition of Summer Camp and Academic Seminar of Cross-Strait College Students Settlement Culture and Traditional Architecture S
2019    Li Chuang, Zhang Li, Li Wen, Third Prize in the 2019 Chinese Yi Township (Yunnan Chuxiong) Residential Design Competition
2019    Zhao Yinjie, Third Prize in the 2019 Chinese Yi Township (Yunnan Chuxiong) Residential Design Competition
2019    Xing Yu, Li Chuang, Third Prize in the Design Competition of Summer Camp and Academic Seminar of Cross-Strait College Students Settlement Culture and Traditional Architecture Survey
2019    hang Li, Li Wen, First Prize in the Design Competition of Summer Camp and Academic Seminar of Cross-Strait College Students Settlement Culture and Traditional Architecture Survey
2017    Planning of Douge Village - Protection and Tourism Development Design of Douge Traditional Village in Linxiang District, Lincang City, Yunnan Province.
2013    Historic and Cultural Village Protection Planning of Hubei Xuanen Qingyangba won the third prize of Hubei Excellent Villages and Towns Planning Award
2011    Historic and Cultural Village Protection Planning of Xuanen Pengjiazhai won the third prize of Hubei Excellent Villages and Towns Planning Award

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· Personal Profile

Zhao kui, professor at the School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, doctoral supervisor, postdoctoral fellow of Tongji University, vice president of the Guild Hall Professional Committee of Chinese Society of Cultural Relics, director of Chinese Guild Hall architectural heritage conservation research center, visiting scholar at the University of ...


· Education Experience

2009.9 ~ 2011.6
 同济大学  -  Architecture   Postgraduate (Postdoctoral) 
 武汉工业大学   Postgraduate (Master's Degree) 
2004.3 ~ 2007.12
 18luck新利电竞    Doctoral Degree in Engineering  -  Postgraduate (Doctoral) 

· Work Experience

18luck新利电竞  - 建筑与城市规划学院
visiting scholar at the University of Florida in United States

· Social Affiliations

international member of the International Council of Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
vice president of the Guild Hall Professional Committee of Chinese Society of Cultural Relics, director of Chinese Guild Hall architectural heritage conservation research center

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