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2017 GE可再生能源发电故障穿越技术、虚拟同步发电技术的发明人,是变流器比例谐振控制技术的奠基人。率先倡导电力电子化电力系统安全稳定问题的研究,初步建立了多尺度建模、分析和控制的理论体系。 截止2017年发表SCI和EI检索的学术论文60余篇,包括IEEE Transactions 18篇。一篇获得1999年IEEE 工业应用年会(IAS)最佳论文一等奖。
- [1] Xioming Yuan, G. Orglmeister and W. Merk, "Managing the DC link neutral potential of the three-phase-four-wire neutral-point-clamped (NPC) inverter in FACTS application," Industrial Electronics Society, 1999. IECON '99 Proceedings. The 25th Annual Conference of the IEEE, San Jose, CA, 1999, pp. 571-576 vol.2..
- [2] 袁小明,程时杰,文劲宇. 储能技术在解决大规模风电并网问题中的应用前景分析. 电力系统自动化,2013,37(1):14-18.
- [3] M Zhao, X Yuan, J Hu, Modeling of DFIG Wind Turbine Based on Internal Voltage Motion Equation in Power Systems Phase-Amplitude Dynamics Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Year: 26 July 2017, Volume: PP, Issue: 99.
- [4] 袁小明,程时杰,胡家兵.电力电子化电力系统多尺度电压功角动态稳定问题[J].中国电机工程学报,2016,36(19):5145-5154+5395..
- [5] Xiaoming Yuan and I. Barbi, "Zero-voltage switching for three-level capacitor clamping inverter," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 771-781, Jul 1999..
- [6] M. Chen, C. F. Zheng, Z. Qian, X. Yuan and Z. Qiu, "A control strategy for inverters powering nonlinear loads to improve its performance," 2006 37th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Jeju, 2006, pp. 1-4..
- [7] J. Hu, H. Yuan and X. Yuan, "Modeling of DFIG-Based WTs for Small-Signal Stability Analysis in DVC Timescale in Power Electronized Power Systems," in IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 1151-1165, Sept. 2017..
- [8] Xiaoming Yuan and I. Barbi, "Control simplification and stress reduction in a modified PWM zero voltage switching pole inverter," Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 1999. APEC '99. Fourteenth Annual, Dallas, TX, 1999, pp. 1019-1025 vol.2..
- [9] Xiaoming Yuan and I. Barbi, "Soft-switched three level capacitor clamping inverter with clamping voltage stabilization," Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 1999. APEC '99. Fourteenth Annual, Dallas, TX, 1999, pp. 502-508 vol.1..
- [10] Xiaoming Yuan and I. Barbi, "A transformer assisted zero voltage switching scheme for the neutral-point-clamped (NPC) inverter," Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 1999. APEC '99. Fourteenth Annual, Dallas, TX, 1999, pp. 1259-1265 vol.2..