
·Awards and Honours

Current position: 英文主页 > Awards and Honours
  • [1] Special government allowances of the State Council, 2018,
  • [2] Outstanding Paper Award of International Combustion Society (35th International Combustion Conference), 2014,
  • [3] Australian Asian Leadership Award (ALA FELLOW), 2011,
  • [4] International Combustion Society Outstanding Paper Award (33rd International Combustion Conference), 2010,
  • [5] Excellent Paper Award of Japan Combustion Society, 2007,
  • [6] Special Research Fellow and Award Fund of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), 2002-2004,
  • [7] Outstanding Paper Award of Pittsburgh International Coal Combustion Conference, 2002,
  • [8] Japanese Government Scholarship(Ministry of Education), 1998-2002,
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