·Paper Publications
- [1] [16] 肖霞,徐雁,韩世忠等. 有源电子式电压互感器一次侧电路的低功耗设计. 仪器仪表学报(增刊). 2006, 27(6): 975-977.
- [2] [15] 肖霞,徐雁,向珂等. 高精度宽温度范围的数字化电子式电流互感器. 电测与仪表. 2006, 43(485): 36-38.
- [3] [14] 肖霞,张忠学,徐雁,叶妙元等. 基于电容分压原理的电子式TV一次侧设计. 高电压技术. 2006,32(5):15-18 .
- [4] [13]肖霞,徐雁,张忠学,叶妙元等. 电子式互感器的光传输系统设计. 高压电器. 2006, 42(2):146-148 .
- [5] [12] Xiao Xia, Zhang ZhongXue, Ye Miaoyuan, et al. A Novel Active Optical Voltage Transformer. Proceedings of SPIE. Beijing, China. 2005, 5634:696-701 .
- [6] [11] Xiao Xia ; Xu Yan; Xu Ken; Ye Miao-yuan. Influence of temperature and stress field on optical voltage sensor. 2009 Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics. 2009.08 EI收录.
- [7] [10] Xiao Xia, Xu Yan, Pan Feng, Xu Ken. The Synchronization Method Based on FPGA for Merging Unit. IEEE International Conference on Electronic Measurement & Instruments, 2009, (1): 720-724..
- [8] [9] Feng Pan, Yan Xu, Xia Xiao, Shiyan Ren. Calibration system for electronic instrument transformers with analogue and digital outputs. IEEE International Conference on Electronic Measurement & Instruments, 2009, (1): 650-654..
- [9] [8] Feng Pan, Xia Xiao, Yan Xu, Shiyan Ren. Optical AC Voltage Sensor based on Two Bi4Ge3O12 Crystals. The paper has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement.2012,61(4):1125-1129.
- [10] [7] Feng Pan, Xia Xiao, Yan Xu, Shiyan Ren. An Optical AC Voltage Sensor Based on the Transverse Pockels Effect. Sensors, 2011, 11(7): 6593-6602..