·Paper Publications
- [11] TAN Ping,K. XIONG, Q. FU.TAN Ping.Optical Cavity Losses Calculation and optimzation of THz FEL with a waveguide.
- [12] TAN Ping,Huang J., Liu K.F. et al..TAN Ping.Terahertz radiation sources based on free electron lasers and their applications.(1):1-15
- [13] Q.Fu, K.Xiong,P.TAN et al..TAN P..Numerical Calculation of Diffraction Loss for Characterisation of a Partial Waveguide FEL Resonator.
- [14] L.Z.Deng, Ping TAN et al..L.Z.Deng.analysis of slippage in THz-FEL with a parrallel plate waveguide.Infrared Physics & Technology,1-4
- [15] 谭萍,熊焜,付强.谭萍.FEL太赫兹源电子束参数优化设计.原子能科学技术,2010,(S2):630-633
- [16] Structural Optimization of Fast Scanning Magnets for Proton Therapy Device.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY,