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讲师(高校)   硕士生导师  





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宋璐璐,18luck新利电竞 同济医学院公共卫生学院 讲师,硕士生导师。2019年获得18luck新利电竞 博士学位,2019-2021年在18luck新利电竞 从事博士后工作。主要从事孕期不良环境暴露与母婴健康及女性生殖因素与慢性病的相关研究。目前已在国际期刊发表SCI论文50余篇,其中以第一作者(包括共同第一作者)发表SCI论文14篇,包括Diabetes Care、Environ Health Perspect、Hypertension、Environ Int、Cardiovascular Diabetology、Chemosphere、Environ Res等。主持国家自然科学基金、中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目、中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目,参与多项国家自然科学基金面上项目和国家重点研发计划。

代表性论著(* Co-first author

1. Song L, Wu M, Wang L, Bi J, Cao Z, Xu S, Tian Y, Xiong C, Wang Y. Ambient ozone exposure during pregnancy and telomere length in newborns: A prospective investigation in Wuhan, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International. 2022; Online ahead of print.

2. Zhao M*, Song L*, Sun L, Wang M, Wang C, Yao S, Li Y, Yun C, Zhang S, Sun Y, Hou Z, Wu S, Xue H. Associations of type 2 diabetes onset age with cardiovascular disease and mortality: The Kailuan Study. Diabetes Care. 2021; 44:1426-1432.

3. Bi J*, Song L*, Wang L, Su B, Wu M, Li D, Chen S, Liu Y, Yang Y, Zhou Z, Hu Y, Wang Y, Wu S, Tian Y. Transitions in metabolic health status over time and risk of heart failure: A prospective study. Diabetes & Metabolism. 2022; 48:101266.

4. Song L, Liu B, Wu M, Zhang L, Wang L, Zhang B, Xiong C, Li Y, Cao Z, Wang Y, Xu S. Prenatal exposure to phthalates and newborn telomere length: A birth cohort study in Wuhan, China. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2019; 127: 87007.

5. Wu S*, Song L*, Wang L, Chen S, Wu M, Wang Y, Tian Y. Transitions in metabolic health and associations with arterial stiffness progression across body mass index categories. Hypertension. 2021; 78:1270-1277.

6. Song L, Zhang B, Liu B, Wu M, Zhang L, Wang L, Xu S, Cao Z, Wang Y. Effects of maternal exposure to ambient air pollution on newborn telomere length. Environment International. 2019; 128:254-260.

7. Bi J*, Song L*, Wang L, Wu M, Chen S, Wang Y, Wu S, Tian Y. Visit-to-visit fasting blood glucose variability and lifetime risk of cardiovascular disease: A prospective study. Cardiovascular Diabetology. 2021; 20:207.

8. Song L, Liu B, Wang L, Wu M, Zhang L, Liu Y, Bi J, Yang S, Zhang B, Xia W, Xu S, Chen R, Cao Z, Wang Y. Exposure to arsenic during pregnancy and newborn mitochondrial DNA copy number: A birth cohort study in Wuhan, China. Chemosphere. 2020; 243:125335.

9. Song L, Liu B, Zhang L, Wu M, Wang L, Cao Z, Zhang B, Li Y, Wang Y, Xu S. Association of prenatal exposure to arsenic with newborn telomere length: Results from a birth cohort study. Environmental Research. 2019; 175:442-448.

10. Song L, Shen L, Li H, Liu B, Zheng X, Zhang L, Liang Y, Yuan J, Wang Y. Age at natural menopause and hypertension among middle-aged and older Chinese women. Journal of Hypertension. 2018; 36:594-600.

11. Song L, Shen L, Li H, Liu B, Zheng X, Zhang L, Xu S, Wang Y. Afternoon napping during pregnancy and low birth weight: the Healthy Baby Cohort study. Sleep Medicine. 2018; 48:35-41.

12. Song L, Shen L, Li H, Liu B, Zheng X, Zhang L, Xu S, Wang Y. Socio-economic status and risk of gestational diabetes mellitus among Chinese women. Diabetic Medicine. 2017; 34:1421-1427.

13. Song L, Shen L, Mandiwa C, Yang S, Liang Y, Yuan J, Wang Y. Induced and spontaneous abortion and risk of uterine fibroids. Journal of Womens Health. 2017; 26:76-82.

14. Song L, Shen L, Li H, Liu B, Zheng X, Liang Y, Yuan J, Wang Y. Height and prevalence of hypertension in a middle-aged and older Chinese population. Scientific Reports. 2016; 6:39480.

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