Lecturer (higher education)
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Gender:Female Status:Employed Department:School of Architecture and Urban Planning Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral) Discipline:Landscape Architecture

Honors and Titles:

2023    18luck新利电竞 优秀班主任

2016    山本国际学术交流等基金奖学金

MORE> Recommended MA Supervisor
Language: 中文



2015.4-2019.7 | PH.D. , The University of Tokyo , Japan

Prof. SHIMOMURA Akio Landscape planning and design 

● Study on the relationship between children's play and landscape structure.

2015.5-2015.10 | Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Prof. Per G Berg Global Challenges University Alliance (GCUA) 

●Program:Green and Sustainable Cities–the Landscape Architecture Perspective on Global Urban Challenges

2012.4-2015.3 | M.A. , The University of Tokyo , Japan

Prof. SHIMOMURA Akio,Prof. ONO Ryohei Landscape planning and design 

●Study on change pattern of children's play in a day according to the progress of time.

2007.9-2011.6 | B.A. , Sichuan Agricultural University (SAU),China

Prof. PAN Yuanzhi Landscape planning and design 

● Study of physiological characteristics of lily (Lilium casa blanca) of National Innovation Experiment.


Qing Qin, Kazuhiro W. Nakamura, Kiyotatsu Yamamoto, Shimomura Akio, A study on changes to the form of children's playgrounds in Japan by analyzing the JILA Selected Works of Landscape Architecture. Sustainability, 11(7),2127.(SCI)     

Green and Sustainable Cities(GCUA-Global Chanllenges University Alliance);SLU;2015


2015-2017 Research Assistant (RA) for The University of Tokyo Grants for PhD Research

2015-2016 Yamamoto International Academic Fund

2011-2015 ChineseGovernmentGraduateStudentOverseasStudyProgram

Program and Experience

●2015.8-2015.9 Community reform, Malmo, Sweden

●2015.10-2016.5 Forest personality and Landscape characteristic of Wajima Area in Japan

●2013.7 Landscape characteristic and the protection for fish-gathering in Niigata Prefecture,Japan

●2012.11 Shin-Etsu Trail Club field survey:community resource utilization 

●2012.9 A survey of Ecological pattern in the city garden, Yokohama 

●2012.7 Current investigation on Cliff line in Landscape area, Kokubunji


Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture 2012-2019 

Japan Ecotourism Society 2012-2018

Educational Experience

  • 2015.4-2019.7  

    东京大学       景观规划与设计       Postgraduate (Doctoral)       Doctoral Degree in Agriculture

  • 2012.4-2015.3  

    东京大学       景观规划与设计       Postgraduate (Master's Degree)       Master's Degree in Agriculture

  • 2007.9-2011.6  

    四川农业大学       园林       Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree)       Bachelor's Degree in Agriculture

Work Experience

  • 2018.5-2018.12