Qiao Jie, male, PhD, lecturer (supervisor of master students). Doctor of Urban and Rural Planning of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, postdoctoral of Architecture, Ph.D. jointly cultivated by the Department of Geography of Durham University in the United Kingdom. Research direction: rural industry revitalization and human settlement space governance, rural human settlement and rur...details>
Lecturer (higher education)
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Department:School of Architecture and Urban Planning
Research Focus
Social Affiliations
2023/3-Now中国城市规划学会乡村规划与建设分会 青年委员
2019/5-Now湖北省民族地区乡村振兴研究与实训基地 办公室主任
Education Experience
2013/9-2019/3 18luck新利电竞  |  城乡规划 |  Doctoral Degree in Engineering |  Postgraduate (Doctoral) 
2017/9-2018/9 Durham University |  地理学   联合培养博士 |  英国杜伦大学 
2011/9-2014/3 18luck新利电竞  |  城市规划与设计 |  Master's Degree in Engineering |  Postgraduate (Master's Degree) 
2019/4-2021/5 18luck新利电竞  |  Architectural History and Theory |  助理研究员 |  Postgraduate (Postdoctoral) 
2013/9-2019/3 18luck新利电竞  |  Urban and Rural Planning |  Doctoral Degree in Engineering |  With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study |  保送 
Work Experience
2021/6-Now 规划系 | 18luck新利电竞 建筑与城市规划学院  | 讲师  | 在职 
2019/5-Now 湖北省民族地区乡村振兴研究与实训基地 | 18luck新利电竞 建筑与城市规划学院  | 办公室主任  | 在职  | 18luck新利电竞 与湖北省民宗委联合共建 
2019/4-2021/5 建筑系 | 18luck新利电竞 建筑与城市规划学院  | 博士后  | 已离职 
- 1.杨洁.山地县城高度形态管控的绿色低碳路径探索——以浙江省永嘉县上塘中心城区为例.城市规划.2023
- 2.黄梅.实践自然观下侗寨理水智慧及其生态治理启示.城市规划.2023,47(1):75-85
- 3.乔杰;洪亮平;Mike Crang;李晓峰.乡村小流域空间治理:理论逻辑、实践基础和实现路径.城市规划.2021,45(10):31-44+77
- 4.Qiao Jie, Crang Mike, Hong Liangping, Li Xiaofeng.Exploring the Benefits of Small Catchments on Rural Spatial Governance in Wuling Mountain Area, China.Sustainability.2021,13(2):760
- 5.“体用之辩”——对中国城市设计学说及话语体系的讨论.城市规划.2019,43(04):48-52
- 6.英国乡村分类研究及对我国的启示.城市规划.2019,43(03):75-81