Pan Wenjian

Associate researcher

Supervisor of Master's Candidates



Department:School of Architecture and Urban Planning

Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Philosophy

Discipline:Architectural Design and Theory

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Social Affiliations

Current position: Home >Social Affiliations
  • Editorial Board Member of Social Sciences & Humanities Open (SSHO), Elsevier

  • Editorial Team of International Journal of Architectural Engineering Technology (IJAET)

  • Guest Editor of Journal of Chinese Architecture and Urbanism (JCAU)

  • Membership of Viser Expert Database (VE) in Architectural Studies, Singapore

  • Member of Architectural Society of China (Urban Design Branch)

  • Degree Thesis Reviewer - China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center

  • Invited Reviewer for SCI, SSCI, EI, and A&HCI indexed reputable international journals, Such as Building and Environment, Sustainable Cities and Society, Cities, Land, URBAN DESIGN International, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering (JAABE), Cogent Social Science, Science of the Total Environment, and Scientific Reports

  • Peer Review Committee of The 28th UIA World Congress of Architects (UIA 2023)

  • Organizing Committee of World Summit and Expo on Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (WSECAEE2024)

  • Scientific Committee Member of on Carbon Accounting (ICARB 2023)

  • Peer Review Committee of 2023 the International Conference on Environmental Monitoring and Governance (ICEMG2023)

  • Guest Editor of Special Issue Entitled "Ecologies of Local Neighbourhoods in China" at Journal of Chinese Architecture and Urbanism

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