Liu Tracy   Lecturer (higher education)

Recent Research Achievements:²Yuhan Liu, Yongjian Liu. The Research on the Innovation Incentive Mechanism of Editors Based on Modern Paper Books[J]. Science-Technology& Publication, 2018(8)(to be published)(CSSCI)²Lifang Xu, Yuhan Liu. New Orientation, New Targets, New Challenges: the Research on the Publishing Dynamic of Internationl Technical Journals in 2016, 2017(2):10-14.(CSSCI)²Y...Detials

Current position: 英文主页 > Blog > Profile:

Recent Research Achievements:

²Yuhan Liu, Yongjian Liu. The Research on the Innovation Incentive Mechanism of Editors Based on Modern Paper Books[J]. Science-Technology& Publication, 2018(8)(to be published)(CSSCI)

²Lifang Xu, Yuhan Liu. New Orientation, New Targets, New Challenges: the Research on the Publishing Dynamic of  Internationl Technical Journals in 2016, 2017(2):10-14.(CSSCI)

²Yuhan Liu. The Analysis on Optimizing Strategies of  Publication Prizes of Chinese Publishing Government Award[J]. Publihsing Research, 2016(12):18-22.(CSSCI)

²Lifang Xu, Yuhan Liu. Academic Contents Sharing and Publihsing Transformation: the Research on the Publishing Dynamic of  Internationl Technical Journals in 2015, 2016(2):9-12.(CSSCI)

²Qing Zhan, Yuhan Liu. The Research on the Digital Preschool Education Publihsing of Changjiang Children's Publishing Group[J], Publishing Journal, 2015(3):86-88.(CSSCI)

²Yuhan Liu, Qing Zhan, Jie Xu. The Research on Mobile Applications Based on Augumented Reality Technology[J]. Journal of Xiangtan Univerisity(Philosophy and Social Sciences),2015(2):127-130.(CSSCI)

²Lifang Xu, Yuhan Liu, Li Zeng, Zhiwu Xu. Chapter: The Literature Review of Overseas Digital Pulishing between 2011 to 2015.

²Lifang Xu, Yuhan Liu. Chapter: The Path that Meidum Guides Publishing. The Research on Guiding Mechanism of Publishing Value[M]. (to be published)\


²National Natural Science Foundation of China “The Model Building and Empirical Research on Value Model of Science and Technology Users 71373196

²National Science and Technology Support Program“The Research on Storage and Visualization of Knowledge Ontology Construction of Cultural Heritage” (Serial Number:2012BAH33F03)

²National Science and Technology Support Program “The Key Technologies, Application Mode and Demonstration in Digital Education Publishing Based on Semantic Dynamic”

²National Special Funds for the Development of Cultural Industies“The Construction and Demonstration Project of China Publishing Cloud Platform”

²National Social Science Fond of China “The Theoratical and Pratical Research on Improving Modern Cultural Market System”12&ZD025

²Hubei Special Funds for Digital Publishing “The Basic Software Platform Construction of National Knowledge Resources Data Center”