Personal information

  • Professional Title:Associate researcher
  • Gender:Male
  • Status:Employed
  • Department:School of Architecture and Urban Planning
  • Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
  • Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
  • Education Experience
  • Work Experience
  • Social Work
  • 2005.92010.6

    18luck新利电竞   Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree)

  • 2010.92013.6

    18luck新利电竞   Postgraduate (Master's Degree)

  • 2016.92019.9

    东京大学   Postgraduate (Doctoral)

  • 2021.2Now

    Huazhong University of Science and Technology  School of Architecture and Urban Planning  在职   Associate Professor

  • 2020.42020.12

    The University of Tokyo  Institute of Industrial Science  Finished   Postdoctoral Researcher

  • 2019.102020.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)  Finished   Young Scientists Research Fellow(PD)

  • 2023.5Now

    Member of a council of the Green Building Professional Committee, Wuhan Civil Engineering and Architecture Society (WCEAS)

  • 2021.6Now


  • 2017.3Now

    Member of Architectural Institute of Japan

  • Paper Publications
  • Patents
  • Published Books
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