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教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
2015 2015年获国家科学技术进步二等奖
2013 2013年被评为武汉市优秀科技工作者
2012 2012年获湖北青年五四奖章
2013 2013年获中国机械工程学会青年科技成就奖
2011 2011年获湖北省青年科技奖
2012 2012年入选湖北省新世纪高层次人才工程第一层次人选
2008 2008年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才
2012 2012年获湖北省科学技术进步二等奖
2008 2008年获教育部科技进步一等奖
2013 2013年获教育部自然科学一等奖(排名第1)
- [1] Liang Gao, Jida Huang, Xinyu Li.An effective cellular particle swarm optimization for parameters.Applied Soft Computing,(11):3490-3499
- [2] GQ Jin, WD Li, Liang Gao.An adaptive process planning approach of rapid prototyping and manufacturing.Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing,(1):23-38
- [3] Yinzhi Zhou, Xinyu Li, Liang Gao.A differential evolution algorithm with intersect mutation operator.Applied Soft Computing,(1):390-401
- [4] Liang Gao, Guohui Zhang, Liping Zhang, Xinyu Li..An efficient memetic algorithm for solving the job shop scheduling problem.Computer and Industrial Engineering,(4):699-705
- [5] Xinyu Li, Xinyu Shao, Liang Gao, Weirong Qian.An effective hybrid algorithm for integrated process planning and scheduling.International Journal of Production Economics,(2):289-298
- [6] Xiaojun Wang, Liang Gao, Chaoyong Zhang, Xinyu Shao.A multi-objective genetic algorithm based on immune and entropy principle for flexible job-shop scheduling problem.International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,(5-8):757-767
- [7] Yang Shi, Hongcheng Liu, Liang Gao, Guohui Zhang.Cellular particle swarm optimization.Information Sciences,(20):4460-4493
- [8] Guohui Zhang, Liang Gao, Yang Shi.An effective genetic algorithm for the flexible job-shop scheduling problem.Expert Systems with Applications,(4):3563-3573
- [9] Xinyu Shao, Xinyu Li, Liang Gao, Chaoyong Zhang.Integration of process planning and scheduling-a modified genetic algorithm-based approach.Computer and Operation Research,(6):2082-2096
- [10] Xinyu Li, Chaoyong Zhang, Liang Gao, Weidong Li, Xinyu Shao.An agent-based approach for integrated process planning and scheduling.Expert systems with Application,(2):1256-1264