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Current position: 英文主页 >Personal Information

Cheng Qiang, male, born in March 1979, Guangshui, Hubei Province, Doctor of Engineering, Professor, Doctoral Tutor, Visiting Scholar of Georgia Institute of Technology. I received a bachelor's degree from the School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2001; I was sent to the State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion of Huazhong University of Science and Technology for a doctoral degree in the same year, and in 2007, I received a doctoral degree in thermal engineering. I am mainly engaged in the research of radiation heat transfer analysis, combustion detection, nano/microscale heat transfer, solar concentrating/trapping structure design and thermo-optoelectronic conversion. More than 40 SCI papers have been published by me as the first/correspondent author in the top international journals in the field of heat Transfer and combustion such as Physical Review B, Combustion and Flame, Optics Letters, etc. A translations and a monographs have been published as the first rank, and as the first inventor, I acquired six authorization of national patents for inventions and four software copyrights. I presided over the National Natural Science Project and the Foundation Youth Foundation Project (final evaluation excellent+), the National Natural Science Foundation's Major Research of Instrument Development Project, the Hubei Natural Science Foundation Project and the Central University Independent Innovation Foundation Innovation Team Cultivation Project, etc. I was supported by the First China Post-doctoral Special Foundation and the First-class funding of China Post-doctoral Foundation; presiding over the projects of China Shipbuilding Heavy Industry 701 Research Institute, China Shipping 608 Research Institute, Guangdong Telecom Group, etc., and participating in more than 20 projects of international cooperation and key projects of Foundation. I won the third prize of the Beijing Science and Technology Progress Award in 2012, the second prize of the National Energy Science and Technology Progress Award in 2010, the first prize of Technological Invention in Hubei Province in 2007 and the second prize of Technological Inventions in Institutions of Higher Learning in 2006. I am an expert in communication evaluation of the National Natural Science Foundation for many years, and a communication review expert of conferring ministry of education degree and graduate degree, and also an expert in Social Practice of Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction of National University Students and Scientific Competitions; an outstanding reviewer of many international authoritative journals such as International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Energy Conversion and Management, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Applied Thermal Engineering and so on. I was awarded the title of Excellent Communist Party Member and Excellent Headteacher for Undergraduate Students. I've been working for a long time on theoretical analysis and application of thermal radiation, dedicating to solving the complex radiation heat transfer problems in high temperature industrial processes and combustion detection, and I proposed a new combustion detection technology. At the same time, some distinctive work has been done in nano/microscale thermal radiation, expanding the application of thermal radiation in new technology and new energy source such as solar energy.