- Haihong Zhu#,Linda Ke,Wenjuan Lei,,Cheng Dai,,Baijin Chen,,Effect of the Q-switch parameters on the sintering behavior of laser micro sintering Cu-based metal powder using Q-switched Nd-YAG laser,Rapid Prototyping Journal,2013,19(1):44-50..
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- Haihong Zhu, Wenjuan Lei, Cheng Dai, Zuhai Cheng,Laser stripping of fiber Bragg grating polymer coating using pulsed 10.6 μm TEA CO2 laser,Frontiers of Optoelectronics in China , 2010, 3(3):303-307..
- Haihong Zhu#,Qingming Chen,Zuhai Cheng,Huiqun Tang,Influence of the salinity on the characteristics of acoustic signal in salt water generated by pulsed CO2 laser,Journal of Applied Physics,2010,107(2):023106-1-5..
- Haihong Zhu#,Lei Huang,Zuhai Cheng,Jie Yin,,Huiqun Tang, Effect of the gap on discharge characteristics of the three-electrode trigatron switch,Journal of Applied Physics,2009,105(11):113303-1-113303-5..
- Haihong Zhu#,JYH Fuh,Li Lu.,The influence of powder apparent density on the density in direct laser-sintered metallic parts,International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture,2007,47(2):294-298. .
- 朱海红#,程祖海,余亮英,欧阳德祥,超薄微通道水冷铜镜的结构优化设计,18luck新利电竞 学报(自然科学版)科技大学,2007,35(04):72-74. .
- Haihong Zhu#,Li Lu, L,JYH Fuh, Effect of braze flux on direct laser sintering Cu-based metal powder,Materials & Design,2006,27(2):166-170. .
- Haihong Zhu#,LI Lu,JYH Fuh, Study on shrinkage behaviour of direct laser sintering metallic powder,Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture,2006,220(2):183-190..
- Haihong Zhu#,JYH Fuh,Li Lu, Microstructural evolution in direct laser sintering of Cu-based metal powder,Rapid Prototyping Journal,2005,11(2):74-81..