- Xiaojia Nie, Hu Zhang, Haihong Zhu*, Zhiheng Hu, Linda Ke, Xiaoyan Zeng,Effect of Zr content on formability, microstructure and mechanical properties of selective laser melted Zr modified Al-4.24Cu-1.97Mg-0.56Mn alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 764(2018)977-986..
- Zhiheng Hu, Haihong Zhu*, Xiaojia Nie, Changchun Zhang, Hu Zhang, Xiaoyan Zeng On the role of atmospheric oxygen into mechanical properties and fracture behavior of selective laser melted AlCu5MnCdVA,Materials and Design, 150 (2018) 18–27..
- Xiaojia Nie, Hu Zhang, Haihong Zhu*, Zhiheng Hu, Linda Ke, Xiaoyan Zeng, Analysis of processing parameters and characteristics of selective laser melted high strength Al-Cu-Mg alloys: From single tracks to cubic samples, Journal of Material Process and Technology, 256(2018):69-77..
- Xuesong Han, Haihong Zhu*, Xiaojia Nie,Guoqing Wang , Xiaoyan Zeng, Investigation on selective laser melting AlSi10Mg cellular lattice strut:molten pool morphology, surface roughness and dimensional accuracy, Materials, 11(2018)392:1-13..
- Liu Shiwen, Haihong Zhu*, Gangyong Peng, Jie Yin, Xiaoyan Zeng, Microstructure Prediction of Selective Laser Melting AlSi10Mg Using Finite Element Analysis, Materials and Design, 142 (2018) 319–328..
- Zhiheng Hu, Haihong Zhu*, Changchun Zhang, Hu Zhang, Ting Qi, Xiaoyan Zeng, Contact angle evolution during selective laser melting, Materials and Design, 139 (2018)304–313..
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- Ting Qi, Haihong Zhu*, Hu Zhang, Jie Yin, Linda Ke, Xiaoyan Zeng, Selective laser melting of Al7050 powder: Melting mode transition and comparison of the characteristics between the keyhole and conduction mode, Materials & Design, 135(2017): 257-266..
- Zhang Hu,Zhu Haihong*,Yin Jie,Hu Zhiheng,Zeng Xiaoyan,Effect of Zirconium addition on crack, microstructure and mechanical behavior of selective laser melted Al-Cu-Mg alloy, Scripta Materialia,134(2017):6-10. .
- Hu Zhiheng,Zhu Haihong*,Zhang Hu,Zeng Xiaoyan, Experimental investigation on selective laser melting of 17-4PH stainless steel, Optics & Laser Technology, 87 (2017): 17-25..