Name: Jiasheng Tian
Academic Title: Associate Professor
Research Interests:
Microwave Remote Sensing and Detection, Electromagnetic Theory and Application, Electromagnetic Field Numerical Calculation, Antenna Theory and Technology
Ph.D degree, Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 1999-2002
Employment and Working Experience:
Associate Professor, School of Electronic Information and Communications, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2004-present
Lecturer, School of Electronic Information and Communications, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2003-2004
Undergraduate Courses:
Electromagnetic Field and Electromagnetic Wave
Fundamentals of Microwave Technology
Communication Electronic Circuits
Mobile Communications
Optical Fiber Communications
Postgraduate Courses:
Modern Antenna Theory and Technology
Computing Electromagnetics
Selected Publications:
1. Jiasheng Tian, Qiaoyun Liu, Wan Pan, Jian Shi, “Improved algorithm of retrieving oceanic surface wind speed based on a stratified media model at high sea states”, Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, IET, DOI:10.1049/iet-map.2013.0581, 2014, Vol.8, No.15, pp.1333- 1339.
2. TIAN Jia Sheng, PAN Wan, and Shi Jian, “The Study on a New Approximate Method of Computing Electromagnetic Scattering from Multilayer Rough Sea Surfaces”, Modern Tendencies in Engineering Sciences, Applied Mechanics and Materials, DOI: 10.4028/,Vol.533,February 2014,pp.268-273.
3. Jia-sheng Tian and Tian-lin Dong, “LONGITUDINAL WAVE PROPAGATION IN DIELECTRIC WAVEGUIDE ARRAY”, International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, June 2004, Vol. 25, No. 6, pp.981-988.
4. Jia-sheng Tian and Tian-lin Dong, “ RIGOROUS ANALYSIS OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVEPROPAGATION IN CYLINDRICAL DIELECTRIC WAVEGUIDE ARRAY”, International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Vol. 24, No. 11, November 2003, pp.1885-1891.
5. Jian-sheng Tian and Tian-lin Dong, “THE CONVERGENCE OF THE EIGEN EQUATION FOR DIELECTRIC WAVEGUIDE ARRAY”, International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Vol. 24, No. 4, April 2003, pp.613-618.
6. Jia-sheng Tian and Tian-lin Dong, “A GENERAL APPROACH TO GUIDANCE IN GENERAL TWO-DIMENSIONALLY PERIODIC MEDIUM”, International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Vol. 23, No. 3, March 2002, pp.459-463.
7. Jia-sheng Tian and Tian-lin Dong, “TRANSVERSE PROPAGATION IN DIELECTRIC WAVEGUIDE ARRAY”,International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, June 2002, Vol.23, No.6, pp.931-935.