Chen Jiazhong Associate Professor of Computer Science Phone: 13971547263 Email: jzchen@hust.edu.cn Academic Areas: Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Big Data Analytics, Multimedia Data Distributed computing
Personal Profile
Chen Jiazhong received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China, in 1999 and 2003. He is currently an associate professor in the school of computer science and technology, HUST. His current research interests include computer vision, machine learning, image processing, parallel computing, and multimedia communications. He published over 80 technical articles in refereed journals and proceedings in the areas of signal processing, image and video communication, computer vision, circuit system, electronics, and bioinformatics. His research extends to all fields of digital media technology. Dr. Chen was a recipient of many awards, including two Hubei province awards of Perfect Nature and Science Paper in 2009. He is also invited as a reviewer for IET Image Processing, IET Electronics Letters, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Journal of Circuit System and Signal Processing, Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, Neurocomputing, and Journal of Digital Signal Processing.
Academic Degrees
1999.9 ~ 2003.12
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Doctoral degree
1999.9 ~ 2003.12
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Master’s degree
Professional Experience
1999.9 ~ now
School of Computer Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Courses Taught
[1] Fall semester, 2018-now
[2] Intelligent Media Computing
[3] Spring semester,2017-now
[4] Computer System and Architecture
[5] Fall semester,2020-now
[6] Freshmen Practice Including LaTeX, Python, and GitT
Awards and Honors
Selected Projects Funded
[1] National key research and development program:Research and application of general reliable traffic condition sensing technology in urban road, project leader.
[2] Horizontal cooperation project: Research on image data processing and understanding technology based on deep learning,project leader.
[3] Key research and development project of Hubei Province: Establishment and application of biobank of Hirschsprung's disease and homologous diseases based on big data, participant.
[4] General program of National Science Foundation of China: Research on deep semantic hashing for approximate copy search,participant.
[5] Project supported by the Key Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(key program of NSFS joint fund): Research on sensing, recognition, retrieval and analysis of multimedia sensitive content in network big data environment,participant.
[6] Project supported by Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province: Study on adaptive selection and block effect elimination of transformation matrix in video coding,project leader.
[7] Huawei Innovation Research Project: Research on image processing technology in mobile environment,support.
[8] Huawei University Science and Technology Fund: Research on Optimization Algorithm of H.264 bit rate control, support.
[9] Joint program with Agency for Science, Technology and Research of Singapore(ASTAR): H.264 video streaming server development on ADI 561,project leader.
[10] Shenzhen Ailan Jiashi Trading Co., LTD: AMR encoder optimization on Windows Mobile,project leader. Chrontel Integrated Circuit (Shanghai) Co., LTD: H.264 decoding for RISC systems,project leader.
[11] National High Technology Research and Development Program 863: Research on Key Technologies of Network multimedia copyright Active Tracking and Monitoring System,participant.
[12] Wuhan Jinglun software: Fault location algorithm for 35kV transmission lines,project leader.
[13] Key research and development project of Hubei Province: Establishment and application of biobank of Hirschsprung's disease and homologous diseases based on big data, participant.
[14] Wuhan University of Technology:Information processing capability analysis software development, project leader.
[15] Project supported by the Joint Funds of the National Natural Science Foundation of China: Research on sensing, recognition, retrieval and analysis of multimedia sensitive content in the environment of network big data,participant.
Selected Publications
[1] Zongyi Li, Yuxuan Shi, Hefei Ling, Jiazhong Chen, Qian Wang, Fengfan Zhou. Reliable-Aware Clustering with Self-Ensemble Learning for Domain Adaptive Person Re-Identification. Thirty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2022: 1527-1535.
[2] Hefei Ling, Junrui Huang, Chengxin Zhao, Yutong Yao, Jiazhong Chen, Ping Li. Learning Diverse Local Patterns for Deepfake Detection with Image-level Supervision. IJCNN 2021: 1-7
[3] Dakai Ren, Jiazhong Chen, Jian Zhong, Zhaoming Lu, Tao Jia, and Zongyi Li. Gaze Estimation via Bilinear Pooling-Based Attention Networks. Elsevier, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 81(103369): 1-8, 2021.
[4] Jiazhong Chen, Zongyi Li, Yi Jin, Dakai Ren, and Hefei Ling. Video Saliency Prediction via Spatio-Temporal Reasoning. Elsevier, Neurocomputing 462: 59-68 (2021).
[5] Jiazhong Chen, Jie Chen, Yuan Dong, Dakai Ren, Shiqi Zhang, and Zongyi Li. Video Saliency Prediction via Deep Eye Movement Learning. ACM MM in Asia, 2021, 17: 1-6.
[6] Dakai Ren, Xiangming Wen, Jiazhong Chen, Yu Han, and Shiqi Zhang. Multi-view Facial Action Unit Detection via DenseNets and CapsNets, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 81: 19377-19394, 2022.
[7] Jiazhong Chen, Qingqing Li, Hefei Ling, Dakai Ren, and Ping Duan. Audiovisual Saliency Prediction via Deep Learning. Elsevier, Neurocomputing 428: 109-118 (2021).
[8] Dakai Ren, Xiangming Wen, Tao Jia, Jiazhong Chen, and Zongyi Li. Saliency detection via cross-scale deep inference. Elsevier, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 75(103031): 1-9, 2021.
[9] Dakai Ren, Xiangming Wen, Xiaoya Liu, Shuai Huang, and Jiazhong Chen. Cross-Modal Learning for Saliency Prediction in Mobile Environment. ACM MM in Asia, 2020, 51:1-6.
[10] Xianrui Wang, Hefei Ling, Jiazhong Chen, Ping Li. Multi-Object Tracking Via Multi-Attention. IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2020.
[11] Hefei Ling, Yao Chen, Jiazhong Chen, Lei Wu, Yuxuan Shi. Lightweight Action Recognition with Sequence-Specific Global Context. IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2020.
[12] Hefei Ling, Yao Chen, Jiazhong Chen, Lei Wu, Yuxuan Shi, Jing Deng. XwiseNet: action recognition with Xwise separable convolutions. Multimedia Tools and Applications 79(1): 26913-26926, 2020.
[13] Hefei Ling, Jiyang Wu, Junrui Huang, Junrui Huang, Jiazhong Chen, Ping Li. Attention-based convolutional neural network for deep face recognition. Multimedia Tools and Applications 79(5): 5595-5616, 2020.
[14] Jiazhong Chen, Qingqing Li, Weimin Wu, Hefei Ling, Lei Wu, Baiyan Zhang, and Ping Li. Saliency Detection via Topological Feature Modulated Deep Learning, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP): 1630-1634, 2019.
[15] Jiazhong Chen, Qingqing Li, Ping Li, Yu Han, Lei Wu, Hefei Ling, and Weimin Wu. Saliency Prediction by Mahalanobis Distance of Topological Feature on Deep Color Components. Elsevier, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 60(2019): 149-157, 2019.
[16] Hefei Ling, Li Zhang, Yangyang Qin, Yuxuan Shi, Lei Wu, Jiazhong Chen, Baiyan Zhang. BMNet: A Reconstructed Network for Lightweight Object Detection via Branch Merging, British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2019.
[17] Lei Wu, Yang Fang, Heifei Ling, Jiazhong Chen, Ping Li. Robust Mutual Learning Hashing, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP): 2219-2223, 2019.
[18] Hefei Ling, Jiyang Wu, Lei Wu, Junrui Huang, Jiazhong Chen, Ping Li. Self Residual Attention Network for Deep Face Recognition, IEEE Access 7(1):55159-55168, 2019.
[19] Lei Wu, Hefei Ling, Ping Li, Jiazhong Chen, Yang Fang, and Fuhao Zou, Deep Supervised Hashing based on Stable Distribution, IEEE Access, 7(1):36489-36499, 2019.
[20] Hefei Ling, Ziyang Wang, Ping Li, Yuxuan Shi, and Jiazhong Chen. Improving Person Re-identification by Multi-Task Learning. Elsevier, Neurocomputing 347: 109-118 (2019).
Professional Affiliations
Research Group
Visual Computing and Intelligent Recognition
Enrollment Information
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