

【学术通知】 11月24日 经济学院2023年宏观经济系列研讨讲座(十四)

文章来源: 发表时间:2023-11-21 17:38:29点击次数:

讲座题目: KUJ and Fiscal Puzzles


主讲嘉宾:黄晓东 教授,美国范德堡大学


讲座时间:20231124日(周上午900- 11:30



摘要:The Great Recession has revived great interests in the effects of expansionary fiscal measures and in social comparison relevant for private decision. We make two contributions in this paper linking these two interests. First, we establish three empirical regularities concerning the impacts of an unanticipated government spending hike: (1) private consumption tends to rise, (2) price and inflation tend to fall, and (3) these quantity and price responses are unlikely driven by the shock's impact (if any) on total factor productivity (TFP). Second, we construct and estimate a structural model allowing social comparison in household decision-making a la the notion of Keeping up with the Joneses (KUJ) that accounts for these empirical regularities.




 嘉宾介绍:Professor Kevin X.D. Huang is Andrew and Jennifer Hoine Chair and Professor of Economics at Vanderbilt University, and he previously held positions as Senior Economist and Advisor of the US Federal Reserve System. He has written on many important topics in macroeconomics, monetary economics, financial economics, open economy macro, macro-finance, macro-health, and the Chinese economy. He has published more than 50academic articles, and his work has appeared in leading economics journals, including the American Economic Review, Economic Journal, Economic Theory, International Economic Review, journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Journal of International Economics, Journal of Monetary Economics, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, and Review of Economic Dynamics. He is Editor of Atlantic Economic journal, North American Editor of Pacific Economic Review, Co-Editor of international Studies of Economics and Associate Editor of Macroeconomic Dynamics, and was previously Co-Editor of China Economic Review and of frontiers of Economics in China. and Editorial Advisor of Canadian Journal of Economics. He has served on the Board of Director for the China Forum of Macroeconomic Research since 2017. His other posts include Director of Graduate Program in Economic Development (August 2021-) and Director of Graduate Studies in Economics (2011-2014) at Vanderbilt University.
