E Chen, PhD in Civil Engineering
Associate Professor
Email: chene@hust.edu.cn
Research Interests 研究兴趣
Steel corrosion in concrete
Fiber-reinforced concrete
Nonlinear numerical analysis of concrete structures
Durability of concrete materials and structures
Education and Working Experience教育和工作经历
Post-doctoral Researcher (2018/11-2020/10), Concrete Structures Group, Division of Structural Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden; Supervisor: Karin Lundgren
Post-doctoral Fellow (2016/03-2018/09), The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China; Supervisor: Christopher K.Y. Leung
PhD (2015/02), Civil Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China; Supervisor: Christopher K.Y. Leung
MPhil (2011/08), Civil Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China; Supervisor: Christopher K.Y. Leung
Bachelor (2009/07), Civil Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
Teaching Activity 教学活动
Selected Publications 代表性学术论文
1. Chen E, Berrocal CG*, Löfgren I, Lundgren K. Comparison of the service life, life-cycle costs and assessment of hybrid and traditional reinforced concrete through a case study of bridge edge beams in Sweden. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. 2021, accepted.
2. Chen E*, Berrocal CG, Löfgren I, Lundgren K. Hybridarmerade konstruktioner i kloridhaltiga miljöer – beständighet, säkerhet och livscykelkostnader. Bygg och Teknik. 2020, 6-20:14-19.
3. Chen E*, Berrocal CG, Fernandez I, Löfgren I, Lundgren K. Assessment of the mechanical behaviour of reinforcement bars with localised pitting corrosion by Digital Image Correlation. Engineering Structures. 2020, 219:110936.
4. Chen E*, Berrocal CG, Löfgren I, Lundgren K. Correlation between concrete cracks and corrosion characteristics of steel reinforcement in pre-cracked plain and fibre-reinforced concrete beams. Materials and Structures. 2020,53:33.
5. Chen E*, Tang SW, Leung CKY. Corrosion-induced cracking in reinforced concrete due to chloride contamination and ingress. ACI Materials. 2019,116(5): 99-111.
6. Chen E*, Leung CKY., Tang SW, Lu C. Displacement discontinuity method for cohesive crack propagation. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2018,190: 319-330.
7. Chen E*, Leung CKY., Mechanical aspects of simulating crack propagation in concrete under steel corrosion. Construction and Building Materials. 2018,191: 165-175.
8. Chen E*, Leung CKY. A coupled diffusion-mechanical model with boundary element method to predict concrete cover cracking due to steel corrosion. Corrosion Science. 2017,126:180-196.
9. Chen E*, Leung CKY. Finite element modeling of concrete cover cracking due to non-uniform steel corrosion. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2015,134:61-78.
10. Chen E*, Leung CKY. Effect of uniaxial strength and fracture parameters of concrete on its biaxial compressive strength. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2014, 26: 06014001-1-06014001-9.