
Klaus Hubacek、薛进军、陈彬 | 绿色金融与新能源投融资创新大讲堂


无数的社会学家、经济学家、环境学家在可持续发展领域进行着不懈的研究。本期活动中,我们很荣幸邀请到美国马里兰大学Klaus Hubacek教授、日本名古屋大学薛进军教授及中国北京师范大学陈彬教授三位国际著名学者分享他们在此领域各自的观点与见解。



   主讲嘉宾Dr. Klaus Hubacek, Professor of University of Maryland

   主题Local to Global: Economic and Environmental Trade-offs Towards a Low Carbon Future


In today’s globalized world, national, regional, and local economies are deeply embedded in global supply-chains. Globally distributed production activities are key drivers behind environmental change imposing stress on ecosystems across spatial scales. To analyze those changes across global supply chains, we need integrated approaches that allow to better anticipate unintended consequences, assess co-benefits and trade-offs between different environmental resources over space and time as well as consideration of potential social and economic impacts of resource management decisions. An economy-wide systems approach such as multi-regional environmental input-output analysis does not only allow to illuminate these ultimate drivers within a region but also along global supply chains. In addition, this framework allows exploring socio-economic consequences and trade-offs. We will apply this framework to the topic of carbon inequality and show how to creatively link diverse datasets to estimate the effects of our consumption choices throughout global supply chains.


Dr. Klaus Hubacek is an ecological economist with a research focus on conceptualizing and modeling the interactions between human and environmental systems. Klaus has published over 200 research articles on topics such as climate change adaptation and mitigation, participatory modeling, management of ecosystems services, land use change and governance. He has published in international journals such as Nature, Nature Climate Change, Nature Sustainability, and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. His research was showcased in national and international news outlets including ScienceNews, The Guardian, Le Monde, New Scientist, CBS, the German TV and Radio, and the BBC. He conducted studies for a number of national agencies in Austria, the Czech Republic, China, Japan, Spain, the UK, and the U.S. and international institutions such as the European Commission, the Inter-American Development Bank, the OECD, and the World Bank. He served on advisory boards for a number of agencies such as the Climate Center of the City of Shanghai, China and the Sustainable Land Use program of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Klaus also serves on the editorial board of a number of scientific journals such as Applied Energy and Industrial Ecology. Currently, he is a lead author for the upcoming 6th Assessment Report of the IPCC, Workgroup III.


     主讲嘉宾:薛进军 博士, Professor of Nagoya University

      主题Energy Restructuring in China


China is the largest emitter of greenhouse gas (GHG) and the largest pollution source in the world. Tracing China’s emissions in global value chains, we find that the Coal-based Energy Structure is the main source initiated the high emissions of pollutant and GHG; meanwhile, we find evidence of a positive correlationship between coal consumption and pollutant emissions such as SO2.  

China has been trying hard to change its energy structure through importing natural gas and developing renewal energy, and as last reached its coal peak in 2013. Recently China projects in its 13th 5-year plan to reduce the share of coal from the current level of 68% to 62%, increase renewal energy to 15% and reduce the main pollutant emissions by 10-15% by 2020, however, even though the plane is ambitious, there will be no fundamental change of the Coal-based Energy Structure in medium term and the high-carbon and high-pollution economy will be continued for decades.

To solve the emission issue fundamentally, we suggest conduct a relatively radical energy reform by setting up a higher reduction target of coal consumption and levy a carbon tax. To guarantee the reform, the timetable of achieving carbon emissions peak should be ahead of schedule of 2030; In conclusion, China needs to combine climate change policy and environmental policy in order to realize a green, low-carbon development.


Dr. Jinjun Xue is a professor of Economic Research Center, Nagoya University, Japan, and Co-director of Institute of Global Low-carbon Economy. He also serves as a guest researcher at Energy Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission of China, adjunct professor at School of Contemporary China Studies of Tsinghua University, Chief Scientist at Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Carbon Emissions Trading and so on. He published about 100 papers in academic journals such as Science, Energy Economics, Applied Energy, Social Sciences in China, Economic Research Journal etc. in English, Chinese and Japanese. He also serves as a guest editor for the journals of Applied Energy, Singapore Economic Review etc.

He is one of the authors of China’s first textbook “Development Economics”, the first person published the book entitled “Low Carbon Economics”, one of the founders of the institute firstly named after the “Low-carbon Economy”. He was also one of the scholars who advocated China’s implementation of export-led economic growth model, first person proposed the low-carbon development geese model and actively participated in China’s low-carbon urban design and carbon market construction.



  主讲嘉宾:陈彬 博士, 北京师范大学环境学院教授







     “绿色金融与新能源投融资创新大讲堂,由18luck新利电竞 中欧绿色能源金融研究所主办。大讲堂作为研究所重要专业交流平台之一,希望能把握全球和中国绿色发展的大趋势大战略,促进绿色能源金融领域行业内外交流及促进技术资本创新合作,特别是通过邀请业界杰出人士为华中地区相关领域学者与机构、高校学生讲授绿色金融与新能源领域的前沿理论知识与实践经验,促进决策者、学界和业界的交流,努力将此大讲堂打造为覆盖绿色金融全产业链不同环节的国际化的高端专业交流合作平台。

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李老师,18luck新利电竞 中欧绿色能源金融研究所













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