Welcome to the NDDN database!
Founded by Prof. Qingming Luo, the NDDN database aims to assemble a large collection of electrophysiological data, experimental protocols, data analysis algorithms, and microscopy images of long-term cultured dissociated hippocampal networks. Our mission is to make these data freely available to researchers not only in neuroscience field but also other related fields.
Hosted by Britton Chance Center for Biomedical Photonics, the NDDN database is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. With proper citation to the NDDN database, you are free to download, copy, distribute and transmit the work from the NDDN database. The proprietary rights of any data or codes that download from the NDDN database belongs Britton Chance Center for Biomedical Photonics. Users can freely access the NDDN database, perform queries, execute visualization and analysis scripts which are not intend to harm any of the integrity of the NDDN database. Users also can download items from the NDDN database and use their own codes and software to analyze the downloaded data items. If your research or publication has used any items from the NDDN database, please make a citation to our website (bmp.hust.edu.cn/neuro_db) and write proper acknowledgements (including funding) in the literature. For formal publications, please contact Prof. Qingming Luo before submission. It is not allowed to modify, subdivide, package any part of the NDDN data. You must attribute the work in the manner specified by Prof. Qingming Luo (but not in any way that suggests that we endorse you or your use of the work). Any kind of the commercial usage is prohibited before additional licensing. The NDDN users may not alter, transform, or build upon this work, including the NDDN data items and provided scripts and codes. Please contact Prof. Qingming Luo for further cooperation.
To provide better user experience, the NDDN database will update regularly. The website may be temporally down for maintenance or system updates. To improve system integrity, we may have to change the database structures and contents without explicitly informing the user. If you are facing difficulties while accessing the NDDN website, please contact us and we can send you spreadsheets and requested data items by DVDs or in other proper forms.
Data sources
Electrophysiological data in the NDDN database is collected using multi-electrode arrays (MEA-1060-INV, MEA-1060-BC-INV, a commercially available data acquisition system from Multichannel Systems, Germany).
Culturing, recording information and experimental protocols were manually entered by the person who actually conducted the corresponding experiment.
Microscopy images were collected in the imaging facility of Britton Chance Center for Biomedical Photonics. The parameters of imaging conditions and devices were recorded in the memo section of data items.
Detailed information about experimental protocols and recording system can be found in the NDDN websites.